by Max Barry

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Governor: The Serene Compassionate Utopia of Safj

WA Delegate: None.

Founder: The Serene Compassionate Utopia of Safj

Last WA Update:

Maps Board Activity History Admin Rank

Most Cheerful Citizens: 1st Nicest Citizens: 1st Most Pacifist: 1st+39
Highest Average Tax Rates: 1st Highest Foreign Aid Spending: 1st Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 1st Largest Welfare Programs: 1st Most Compassionate Citizens: 1st Most Beautiful Environments: 1st Most Eco-Friendly Governments: 2nd Highest Food Quality: 2nd Most Popular Tourist Destinations: 2nd Most Advanced Public Education: 2nd Highest Workforce Participation Rate: 3rd Largest Governments: 3rd Best Weather: 3rd Most Inclusive: 3rd Most Rebellious Youth: 3rd Longest Average Lifespans: 4th Most Developed: 4th Most Cultured: 4th Most Advanced Public Transport: 5th Least Corrupt Governments: 6th Healthiest Citizens: 7th Smartest Citizens: 8th Most Valuable International Artwork: 10th Most Subsidized Industry: 11th Highest Economic Output: 19th Highest Poor Incomes: 20th Most Efficient Economies: 20th Safest: 22nd Lowest Crime Rates: 24th Highest Average Incomes: 58th Most Scientifically Advanced: 71st Largest Populations: 119th Largest Publishing Industry: 123rd Largest Information Technology Sector: 178th Most Secular: 238th Highest Wealthy Incomes: 572nd Most Extensive Civil Rights: 1,927th Nudest: 2,011th Most Income Equality: 2,769th
World Factbook Entry

Dedicated to the memory of a region long forgotten:

"Here at the intersection of time and space reality breaks down, and nothing is as it seems. If you have felt unloved by other regions for your bizarre habits or eccentric personality feel free to park yourself in this twisted little region. And don't worry, we can see the flying monkeys too."

Embassies: The Embassy, The Giraffe Federation, True Waskaria, Shadowville, Trading Cards, Guinea Kiribati, Gypsy Lands, Hurricane 12, and Hiba.

Tags: Anti-Fascist, Eco-Friendly, LGBT, Minuscule, and Social.

A Slice of Surreality is home to a single nation.

Today's World Census Report

The Most Patriotic in A Slice of Surreality

World Census data collectors measured the fervor with which citizens believed their own nation was the greatest of all.

As a region, A Slice of Surreality is ranked 29,748th in the world for Most Patriotic.

NationWA CategoryMotto
1.The Serene Compassionate Utopia of SafjScandinavian Liberal Paradise“Live Life How You Choose; Live It Well.”

Regional Happenings


A Slice of Surreality Regional Message Board

Post by Cachard Calia suppressed by Safj.

Hello everyone! I noticed you don't have a WA delegate. Please endorse me so we can have more effect. Thanks!

Wow! What a cool region! Nothing is happening! Just like a dream.

Thanks for asking. Yes. Yes. No. Absolutely. Of course. No way. Thank you.

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