by Max Barry

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Region: Forest

Congratulations The Zephyrs of Zerphen, it’s a solid victory. Forest has displayed its trust in you and I’m sure the what-I-call summer term will be fun for all of us with the things you’re about to bring in.

And bit late comment as P.S.

Zerphen wrote:I've always liked the idea of the Forest Saga, and I was kinda sad that you never did anything with it during your term

Yeah I’m still sad I didn’t do that, but I don’t write this off from my agenda. The whole enterprise is interesting to try. It requires much, much more time than I expected at first.

I still feel like some players such as Columbiqash and Jutsa are somewhat disappointed I asked them to wait for some updates several times, even though they didn’t tell me about their disappointment directly [yet] xD

I am pretty sure I’ll try to work on drafts without rush for the coming months, once I get some free time in a highly busy life these days. Also thank you Jutsa for your kind words, not everything was released but I am glad things went smooth nevertheless, and you’re right, sometimes things went beyond of my campaign frames we all had to deal with it. It was nice though.

And now it’s time for a brand new term that will bring us more activities, and I’m eager to see Zerphen’s campaign ideas gradually becoming a reality.
