by Max Barry

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Region: Anteria

The beginning of the End?

For years the West had cracked down on Eastern sympathizers, anti-monarchists, and anti-church movements. The institutions that the West survived on had slowly drowned in irrelevance - their scare tactics and censorship - as information has become more widespread, mostly through Eastern media, about the corrupt nature of the Wester autocrats.

One man in particular, Xaviar Halimi, Princep of the Western Capital District, Helliama, had been born son to an Eastern sympathizer, who had attempted and failed multiple coups while in exile in Yemmak. Xaviar was taught from a young age to despise the West, and, was taught by his father to organize resistance when he was a young boy. But Xaviar, unlike his father, wouldn't hide away while his brothers and sisters fought their oppressors, and would rather stand and fight than to hide a coward.

His rise to Princep was noticed by all, and was a major contriversy among the Royal Family, who feared his elevated position and family history would rout the masses into a revolt.
But Xaviar kept a low profile, he didn't draw attention to himself, and had slowly gained the trust of his fellow Princeps. Xaviar wished for a truly democratic state, not a state run by a host of families, who, for the better part of 100 years, had bent the state to their will.
Taavan was an inspiration for Xaviar, his revolution had been the only thing to dislodge the grip of the Imperial Families, and as suspicion grew off him, Xaviar had begun making connections with the East, in hopes that one day, the Gates of Paramin would be knocked down, and with it the Imperial Families and all their wrongdoings.


April 22nd, 2018. Xaviar had gathered his loyalist forces, drowned in the belief that he could pull off a revolution that rivaled even Taavan's, he preemptively launched is large scale attack all over the West.
His main targets were the Imperial Families, as for all they ruled they have only exploited, and had embedded the idea in himself that the Imperial Families were the last remaining evil in all of Greater Yuguistan, and that he would claim glory in defeating them. But the Nobels and fellow Princeps remained elusive, and in the meantime, he plundered their factories, and occupied their residences.

Caught up in his ego at his initial successes, Xaviar failed to account for the infamous Imperial Army. He hadn't knocked out their means of countering Xaviar's relatively small force, and, in a matter of weeks, Xaviar's Liberation Forces, numbering in the thousands, had been knocked down to merely a few hundred desperate survivors.

Xaviar attempted to draw out the war, using gurrelia warfare and hit-and-run tactics, but to no avail. Losing hope and numbers, Xaviar reached out to his allies in Yemmak to lend him aid in his revolution. On September 1st, President Kruso gave the green light for 100 platoons of the GPP to take control over Western military bases closest to the border to "...avoid destructive weapons from falling into the hands of warring factions."

However, it would be Eastern intervention and Xaviar's heresy that sparked a wave of unity in the West, sparking the Yudui-Aberb Intervetion Conflict and mobilizing the Western government once and for all.
