by Max Barry

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Region: Libertatem

SOTU, Narland's respnse:

Biden's handlers are aiding and abetting a literal invasion in front of us. They are pissing on our legs and calling it rain. Everything that caused this was through executive authority by Biden himself, and then he blames it on Congress, as though he thinks the American people are stupid.

Haters of fiscal responsibility in all branches have nearly bankrupted us, destroyed our reputation as fiduciaries in trust for the dollar being the world's currency, and sold us down the river so badly our great-grandchildren are de-facto ad-hoc debt-slaves to the inheritors of the Democrat Leftist hatred of all things traditionally American. Leaders in the GOP bluster against it, but pre-emptively cave when push comes to shove, and then pretend that they put up a brave front (if they even bother to respond to their constituents in actual dialogue), and this needs to change now. Inflation, economic stagnation have seen many Americans loose their entire life savings.

Meanwhile, Cheney, Pelosi, Schumer, and the usual suspects (the anti-constitutional administrative state) libel and slander an actual mostly peaceful protest (cum agents-provocateur fedsurrection) of insurrection in order to paralyze patriotic otherwise Law-abiding from effectively quelling their treachery. They jail their political enemies on trumped up charges. Use civil laws in lieu of actual criminal convictions, but are bold enough to start manufacturing evidence of otherwise innocent parties whose only crime is to disagree with despotism in general and petty despots in particular. They are widening their pogrom against Conservatives in an effort to find just a 1,000 more through extra-constitutional means using laws that were never meant (according to the politicians) to be used against Americans.

Biden's dirty little forever war in the Ukraine (that supported National Socialists and defend actual National Socialists in their ranks (not Neo-Nazis but actual Nazis); and invited a former International Socialist (that is Communist for those of you in Rio Linda) nation with 100x the industrial capacity to take a little piece of Ukraine for whatever numb-to-humanity scheme the mostly irrelevant Military Industrial Complexes' imbecilic pipe dreams thought they were accomplishing, is an abject failure.

Afghanistan is a win for terrorism worldwide. Those who think that America is the Great Satan were given the largest cache of firepower unparalleled in world history. This is the equivalent of Rome giving the Goths the complete arsenal of the latest and greatest of an entire Imperial Province. The way our bureaucrats left was logistically consistent with the worst possible choice every step of the way -- even if you do not know what you are doing on a multiple choice test you will still get 25% (on a 4 question mct) right by accident. Americans do not leave a man behind, but they did -- not just Americans, but civilians of our allies as well. Terrorists were emboldened enough invade a peaceful country, and murder, rape, kidnap, thousands and are still holding 19 Americans for which the Biden Administration is doing nothing in order to placate the radical Muslims in their midst.

Criminals are emboldened, peace keepers are defunded, upholders of common sense, decency, freedom and order are censored, shouted-down and intimated. Neighborhoods are war zones. Individual rights are trampled. Education is subverted. Hate, spite, ingratitude, moral and criminal insanity is encouraged. I could go on, but I need to stop and go pray for my self, my family, and my country.
