by Max Barry

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Region: Libertarian Socialist Confederation

Daarwyrth wrote:Salutations from Forest!

The newest regional update from Forest for the Summer of 2022 has been published today, and is ready for your perusal:


Forest Regional Update - Summer 2022



Warm greetings from the verdant woodlands of Forest!

Allow me to begin this update by briefly introducing myself as the new Foreign Affairs minister of our region. To some I'm perhaps a familiar face (or should I say flag) from the WA or Got Issues? sub-forums, but I'm certain most of you will be seeing me for the first time through this dispatch. I've been a resident of Forest for a couple of years now, and it is an absolute honour and joy to take care of our region's Foreign Affairs department for the first time.

As this year's summer came to an end, and perhaps many breathed a sigh of relief as temperatures dropped and rains started to fall, we in Forest had our biannual Election Season. This election was particularly interesting to us as the previous cabinet had passed a constitutional amendment that saw the instalment of a Debate Moderator during the elections. The role of this election officer is to monitor the debates during the campaign week, and make sure that all candidates are asked relevant and serious questions as to their plans for our region as Forest Keeper. This election season, and for the first time, the role was bestowed upon Verdant Haven who asked wonderful questions that revealed the intentions and plans of our election candidates. As such, we can conclude that the endeavours of the previous cabinet to create more engagement and serious campaigning during the election season were successfully realised.

Once the voting poll was closed on the 15th of September, the democratic will of Forest was made clear, and Garbelia replaced Jutsa as the new Forest Keeper. Garbelia had secured 19 of the 35 validly-cast votes, and therefore secured a simple majority. Thus, with approximately 54% of the votes secured by one candidate a run-off election between the two candidates that received the highest number of votes was unnecessary. Yet, fortunately enough our region did not have to bid Jutsa farewell from our regional government, as in their wisdom the new Forest Keeper appointed our former two-term government head as their Deputy.

Shortly upon assuming the mantle of Forest Keeper, Garbelia proceeded to form a new regional government. As a result, these members of our community have been appointed to the following cabinet positions:

The summertime was a quiet moment for Forest. Yet, with this year's N-Day activity within our region was once again rekindled as members old and new made their presence known on our Regional Message Board. This resulted in a number of interesting discussions within our public space, and naturally we welcome any nation from our friends and allies in our embassy regions to participate in our debates and discussions. The more voices are heard, the more perspectives can be shared and horizons broadened.

These regional updates will be released on a quarterly basis, and will briefly detail the most important events that have transpired within our neck of the woods during that time. Yet, if any significant announcements would arise in the meantime, or interesting events be hosted, you can be assured that Forest's Ministry of Foreign Affairs will release a dispatch, and distribute it through our team of ambassadors in a timely fashion.

Thank you for your time and attention in reading this regional update.


Forest's Minister of Foreign Affairs


Read dispatch


Nice to see this.
