by Max Barry

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Region: Forest


Terrabod wrote:Snip

Oh, wow, that is quite a significant change to how regions work! But from the way it sounds, it seems like a good way to ensure that Forest is pulled out of the raiders' crosshares. Especially if it would open up the possibility of having a new Founder for Forest.

Personally, if there would be another round of constitutional changes to fit in with the new way of functioning it would absolutely have my vote "for". It would vastly reduce the risk of being raided if not even entirely negate it, and I think that would make us all feel a lot better if that was the case. I like the idea that, should Errindurea return, the Foundership could be returned to him should he be willing to take it on again. That way we could still have a Founder as long as Errindurea is CTE, while keeping the possibility open that he could be reinstated upon restoration.

As to how the new Founder would be appointed, my first thought was "monarchy" :P a Founder would carefully choose a player who they think is suitable for the role, and in the event the Founder wants to abdicate or CTE's, the Succesor can be democratically confirmed by a regional vote. That way there would also be a democratic element to the process. In the event that a Succesor would be voted down, the Forest Keeper and their government could produce a number of candidates they think are suitable and have the region vote again. So, in other words, an elective monarchy of sorts :) I'm just spitballing here, of course! These were the first thoughts that popped up in my head while thinking about the subject, so by no means are they anything concrete!
