by Max Barry

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Region: Pax Britannia

Commonwealth States of Britania wrote:

May 1st 1952,
(See Above) The new flag of the Union

Unification, the Birth of Jagiellonia!
At early dawn this bright Summer morning, the once divided and pale states of the Balkans vanished for the last time, to be born anew as a greater union, a fraternity bound between the common brethren and cultures who have given so much and fought so bravely together in the defence of civilisation itself. From the ancient triumphs over the Ottoman Turks, to the valiant battles fought side by side to the bitter end against the German menace - our union is bound in the ages, a mutual accord of strength, honour and courage.

Jagiellonia, the name chosen for our new union. A word which summons up the noble age of knights, kings and dynasties - shall become a mark of unity between our common peoples, and a return to the rightful integrity of the Eastern lands. Where once our territories were one under the triumphant red and blue banner of Vladislaus some five hundred years ago, today and henceforth for all eternity they shall be one again.

This pivotal moment, in the course of our shared histories, is the culmination of some four years of arduous work and ever growing affinities. The Constanta Agreement of 1950, between Palatine László Bárdossy of Hungary, Manjat Kostaq Kotta of former “Albania”, Vodach Petar Gabrovski of former “Bulgaria”, and Conducator Horia Sima of former “Rumania”, and its declarations therein heralded the beginning of the path to this most hallowed present moment. The referenda which followed, approved by some 87% in Bulgaria, 89% in Rumania, and 79% in Albania, yet further enshrined this path to today’s mutual unity. Few other nations can draw such strength from this common origin, historic legacy, and most of all legitimate will of the peoples and their leaders.

The Jagiellonian Union henceforth heralds a new age of prosperity, strength and stability for our brethren peoples. No longer shall we be “Illyrians”, “Rumanians”, Magyars, “Bulgars” or “Serbs” - but Jagiellonians. Despite our recent provincial differences, a brief blink in time, we are at heart all quintessentially of the same salt, born from the same cradle, and sharing the same homesteads and aspirations.

Today we pay testament to Jagiellonia! The Union which shall see us rise together to ever greater heights. And yet more we salute our glorious King, Matthias III, and his almighty Palatine, Bárdossy, who together shall shepherd our new Union to the sunlit uplands of tomorrow.

April 18th 1957,
(See Above) The new flag of the Federation of the Sahel
(See Above) The new flag of the Sarnate of Assyria

The Winds of Change!
Today, two new nations have been borne from the salt of our united Magyar commonwealth; fellow realms beyond the seas benevolently stewarded by our glorious sovereign, Matthias III. The Federation of the Sahel (drawn from the former-colonial Territories of Soudan, Ubangi, Chad and Dinka), and the Sarnate of Assyria (borne of the Territory of the same name) shall together stand as new and welcome members to our fraternal Jagiellonian brotherhood.

The motives for such waves today are plainly clear, as they have been in the long and arduous months leading up to this moment. Their peoples are at last ready to be carefully handed the mantle of stewardship over their own lands. Their leaders have been carefully trained and groomed for this very moment. And rising Carsonist agitation in the Southern reaches shows now is the time to act and take the wind out of the red menace’s sails. Independence within, is any day far preferable to agitation, insurrection and god forbid revolution without.

His Imperial Majesty, who has spent the past week on a grand imperial tour stretching from the pleasant shores of Tripoli to the deepest deserts of the Sahel, is expected to invite Ephrem Khalil to become the first Kush (Palatine) of the Sahel. Khalil is a loyal former Askari - the crack battalions of native troops who have proven so courageous in face of often insurmountable odds against savage Carsonist and Ratist rebels. He later received extensive civil education at the University of Szeged, and has long been groomed by the Colonial Service for a role in the new state bureaucracy. Later this week, His Majesty will further open the first Federation Diet in the new Sahel capital of Khartoum, where Khalil will be pivotal in the seamless transfer of power.

Meanwhile in Assyria, Soterious tou-Assad has been named as Assur (Palatine) of the new Sarnate. Soterious is a member of the deep-rooted Greco-Arabic Assad family, a noble line which heralds from Alawistan to Damascus. As Assur, Assad is expected to receive His Majesty in Damascus next month when he will continue his sweeping tour of the region.

Each nation is to be constituted as independent Kingdoms within the personal union of the Jagiellonian Sphere. His Imperial Majesty shall thus henceforth arise as King of the Sahel (and hitherto King of Nubia, King of Kanem, Malik of Bornu, and Malik of Kerma), and Sar of Assyria (Malik of Aramea, Battos of Damascus). In these duties, he shall endeavour to do his utmost to serve the peoples of Assyria and the Sahel - his loyal subjects, so much equals to those in Bohemia, Rumania or even Buda.

Maplestan, Arrstotzka, Scotia Flow, and New granada i
