by Max Barry

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Region: Warhammer 40000

You know, I find these results kind of worrying. Yes, everyone keeps saying that the Imperium is intentionally written to be dysfunctional, and isn't actually supposed to be in the right. However, the lore, and even moreso the fandom, are kinda wishy-washy about this, and frequently give the impression that they believe the Imperium's bigotry and cruelty actually is justified as necessary. It's hard to draw any other conclusions, when people just keep cheering on their absolute worst parts, first overwhelmingly voting for the Imperium over other factions, and now to the point that the winning Space Marine chapter is the one that I literally described as Space Nazis, who are genocidal even by Imperial standards.

On the other hand, the other two highest scorers were the token reasonable chapters that actually try to minimize collateral damage. I guess people like moral extremes?
