by Max Barry

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Region: Middle Earth

Dain ironfoot

Dwarf wrote:"Snow White and Bilbo Baggins: Divergences and Convergences Between Disney and Tolkien"
by the Tolkien scholar Trish Lambert

I found this really fascinating. Both Tolkien's The Hobbit and Disney's Snow White came out in the same year, with each featuring the, until that point, little utilized dwarf character. Places Tolkien in a context I'd not considered, previously, and there's all sorts of great observations in it.

One tidbit between Tolkien and Lewis struck me, where they were discussing Walt Disney, and bemoaning that they could not have met him before he became the commercial machine of the Disney brand and merchandising engine. Made me think of George Lucas and his early promise becoming swallowed up by the Star Wars machine. Anyway, lots of neat stuff in there:

That was a very interesting passage the mountain akmāth u Khuzd
