by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

European Council - Office of The European Trade Authority

In a series of discussions held in Copenhagen and Washington D.C., The E.C. and The U.S. are moving ahead with a series of tariffs designed for protection of European and American Steel and aluminum manufacturers, and encouragement of European and American Materials.

Tariffs will be lifted on each other, moving in alignment with the recent FTA deal. Steel and aluminum materials imported in will see tariffs at 25% on steel and 10% on aluminum. Part of this deal is that steel especially must be melted and poured in the nations part of this deal. It will also serve to combat dirty steel and prevent over supply as well. More specific details will be sent out shortly after this agreement, but all in all, is a new era to our transatlantic partnership.

Central America Federation, The nordic kingdom-, and Polskiy oblast
