by Max Barry

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Region: The Hole To Hide In

L O N G   L I V E   H O N A L U L U   &   H E R   P E O P L E !

        G. 2001

        [Kalena Georgian: 2001]

        Honalulu: Two-Thousands’


        Borders of Otyken
        Honalulu, Sauvaki

      | RP: Issues on the Mainland VI |

Otyken wrote:RP: Sunbaked Plutonium Sludge VI

A few Honulite soldiers were injured in the skirmishes the militiamen conducted on the Otyken position. Though once Otyken soldiers and workers were done the soldiers went back to base.

With the Continental Board indicating that the pollution will not cease until 2004-2005. Honalulu’s government pleads them to either set up some infrastructure to minimize the pollution coming out of the southernmost of their nation or come up with other solutions to mitigate the issue as the Government believes this will have detrimental effects on their mainland populace and nearby islands, especially on developing children.

Though given how adamant the Government of Otyken seems to be on producing whatever they may be manufacturing in their factories. The Prime Minister doesn’t seem that they can budge the Otyken government. Leading to a slow souring of relations as Honalulu’s Minister of Foreign Affairs makes daily contact to try and get the pollution down.

With an already disgruntled population protesting on the air quality in the Great Rothenake Halls. A rise of fanatical ideologies such as monarchism and fascism that oppose the leftist technocratic government of Otyken and believe that the Honalulu government must have a strong arm in order to keep its citizens safe. Though these sentiments remained in mainland where a proper education system was lacking and wages were not as high as those on the islands.

The Army has been sent to deal with any potential secessionists who wish for their provinces to become independent from the rest of Honalulu. MP’s from the Mainland Provinces start missing meetings or show up to meetings were they would strong arm the Islands made up of mostly liberal voters. Either to try and pass tariffs on Otyken products or to make it more expensive to buy raw material from Honalulu. These legislations have so far failed but have been gaining more and more traction as the months go by and more conservatives start to have a distaste towards their neighbor. Many are uncertain if the Republic can last as the mainland folks become more divided from the folks residing on the islands. And the general buildup in tensions between Honalulu and Otyken is beginning to make the two nations relations with each other unstable.
