by Max Barry

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Region: Geopolity

Noticias de África Occidental | West African News

Talks about moving the Sohongidan capital to Abuja, a city developed in the 1980s, have finally stopped within the National Legislature. Ever since the city's construction was completed, various senators and representatives attempted to push forward legislation to move the entire federal government of Sohongida to the city. The recent legislation that was shot down in the National Legislature was the closest any legislation has gotten to passing on the matter. While the legislation passed in the Senate with a slim margin, the House of Representatives stood firmly opposed to the legislation to move the government of Sohongida.

Representative Jose Antonio Obasi of the State of Furstia, had this to say:

    "Lagos has been the center-point for anything happening in Sohongida. The city has seen the colonial government and the Sohongidan government. The city has seen unity and war. People, especially those who serve our federal government, have lived their lives here and call this place home. Moving to Abuja because it's newer than Lagos is a very careless act and doesn't take into consideration the roots people have grown here in Lagos. If people worry about the safety of Lagos, they can look at the history of the city and realize that is has not been captured but once and that is by Labyrnna before the peoples of this land were united."

Many other representatives that voted against the legislation echoed the statement by Representative Obasi. Those who voted for the legislation have called the reasonings given by Obasi as "shortcomings in the true nature of the proposal". Representatives that voted against it, however, have noted there there is no logical move to the city of Abuja outside of the fact that the city is much newer than Lagos.
