by Max Barry

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Region: Middle Earth

I don't want to throw this off here, but it looks like a great segway in the conversation. So ...

Some of you know and some of you do not, but in the History of Middle Earth Books, or rather in The Book of Lost Tales part 2, "The History of Eriol or Ælfwine and the End of the Tales", there's a story that is part of the early versions of Tolkien's legendarium.

The story is about an Anglo-Saxon of the British Islands who lived around the 10th century of our times, but who was said to be a descendant of our fair Eärendil (the father of Elros and Elrond). Basically it is about him sailing westward and then somehow reaching the Straight Road (the route that left the Middle Earth's curvature through sky and space to the Blessed Realm of Valinor). His ship was granted safe passage and was able to reach Tol Eressëa (the island near Valinor but not in Valinor).

How do you feel about Tolkien's try to root his legendarium into our world by creating some sort of mythology interwined with our historic past?

Dwarf and Saeros of doriath
