by Max Barry

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Region: Empire of Andrew

Oceara wrote:Yep! By the way, if you'd find such of interest -- you could have an anchor at the table of contents and then have a link that heads back up to there in each section.. Although this would make you have even less room before hitting the limit. (So this may be of limited use for you)

For the text on the links, the most aesthetically pleasing for still conveying the link leads back up would probably be the Alt Code Alt + 30 which does ▲ (copy and paste also works on this little triangle) and for making the arrow smaller and less obtrusive

[sub] or [sup]
could be used ( and respectively) to avoid the more lengthy [size=] code.

I've gone ahead with your suggestion and added in the anchor (to the best of my ability). Now you can switch between the categories and the table of contents by clicking on the triangle.

Cybus1 wrote:Excellent work! As the others have said, awesome work on the level of detail and formatting! I love the flag, the details, the amusing paper clip quote, all the photos, the various models of things like Camspy coming in different versions. Awesome work Fel!

Thanks, Cybus! I'm glad that everyone likes the factbook and its formatting - though I will admit that the sidebars look a bit odd when viewed on mobile due to the specific codes I used to get them to look that way. Anyway, if I wasn't too afraid to do so, I'd definitely add a few more pictures - and I'm happy you found the quote amusing. I thought it would be interesting to have a quote thrown in there similarly to how my "Most Notable People" factbook (which I haven't touched in some time) had a quote for Carrington and Zhang Li...In the end, I believed that this one from the PD franchise fit the factbook perfectly.
