by Max Barry

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Region: Empire of Andrew

(OOC: Warning! Post is rather long and pretty graphic at the end, so you've been warned lol)

Rural Bahia

Andrés's punch connected sharply, as he staggered forward a bit from the force he threw into it, but was immediately caught off guard when Agent Garm's pistol, whipped straight into his left eye, causing it to bust a bit as blood leaked out from his newly gained wound as he staggered back from the disorienting strike. Before he could even recoil from the Orsonian strength enhanced pistol whip, a loud shot rang out across the field, as he felt the balance from his right leg suddenly fail as he collapsed to the ground. Reeling from shock, Andrés inspected his leg...only to see it nearly split into two, as blood, bone and tissue splattered around him, coating the grass below him as his eyes widened and he gripped his now nearly missing leg as he screamed in pure agony.

"GAAAAAHHHHH!!! F*CK!! AHHH!! AGH!!" The Sultan wailed out as he clung to his leg in desperation as his split femur bone stuck out of his flesh and he rolled around the ground in agony...but soon he opened his good eye, seeing Amira being held at gun point...his eye widened as his mouth opened in shock, but no words escaping as he reached a hand out, attempting to no avail to reach out to his daughter....

Just as his daughter was about to be executed, Captain Marte suddenly appeared and made the miraculous last minute save, emptying an entire mag of plasma into Garm as she hissed in pain and dropped Amira, but was soon taken to the ground by Marte's tackle....Andrés could only watch in a raw mix of emotions as he watched the two wrestle for dominance...only for Garm with her inhumane Orsonian strength to prove too much for the Wagain Captain, as she brutally executed Captain Marte via ripping open his rib cage and forcibly pulling out his still beating heart, effectively ending the warrior's life....

Upon seeing this...every raw emotion in the Sultan's adrenaline and fury filled mind began to race as his hand gripped his femur bone tightly and his veins began emitting a stronger purplish he watched the last Inquisitor drop to the ground in pain and exhaustion..desperately attempting to crawl for her gun....this is where it'll end...

End of the line....

As Agent Garm began to desperately crawl for the pistol that had practically blown off Andrés's leg, her hand would be mere centimeters from it, when suddenly and without warning, a object came and forcibly impaled her hand deep into the earth below. Upon further inspection of the object, it appeared to be white in color with blood dripping from it...the object was none other than Bone...Andrés's broken femur bone to be exact.

After Andrés snapped and removed what was left of his femur and used it to stab Garm's hand into the ground, his purplish glowing animalistic eyes locked firmly with Garm's as time itself stood still...the ever death defying Sultan, with one last gasp of energy, fueled by pure seething rage, immediately removed his hand from the improvised bone blade, as both of his hands quickly shot forward and tightly grasped Garm's head.

Upon grasping the Inquisitor's head, Andrés immediately picked it up and slammed it into the ground...and then he did it again..and again...and once again, causing blood and broken teeth to paint the grass below. Without wasting a movement, Sultan Andrés continued to grasp her head and forcibly spun Garm onto her back, where he threw his remaining leg over her and straddled her body, his hands purplish glowing hands continuing to grip her head.

"THIS IS FOR THE JANISSARY!!" He shouted in Orsonian dialect, slamming his fist into her face, causing blood to splatter. "THIS IS FOR MARTE!!" He shouted as he slammed his fist back into her breaking face. "THIS IS FOR MY EMPIRE!!!" He shouted slamming the back of her head into the ground, causing her to involuntary spit out blood as his hands gripped her head tighter, pure rage funneling through him and making her near dead eyes stare into his own. "AND for....Amira..." He whispered harshly through his bloody gritted teeth as his thumbs suddenly jabbed straight into Agent Garm's eyes and his hands continue to squeeze on her head as his veins continued to glow brighter and brighter as he continued to put more pressure, causing blood and other fluids to forcibly leak from every hole on Agent Garm's head....until finally...


....Agent Garm's entire head suddenly bursted like a balloon from the immense pressure....causing blood and brain matter to shoot all over, from the grass and even onto Sultan Andrés's arms and face....Andrés panted loudly as his he slowly removed his blood soaked hands as they shook uncontrollably from the amount of pressure and raw emotion that he delivered.

As he slowly fell to the side, next to Agent Garm's body as he stared up into the blue Wagain sky as the sun shined down onto him...Andrés breathed harshly and his body shook...his hearing soon began to return to him, as the sound of helicopters and DGSI foot soldiers were approaching the scene...but he didn't was was done...they finally won...and Amira...his baby dove was save.

Andrés painfully and slowly moved his head to see Amira's unconscious body several meters from his own, as he slowly raised his hand to touch her, but she was too far. And within moments of reaching for her, his arm suddenly went limp and dropped to the ground as exhaustion and blood loss finally caught up to him and his vision slowly began to fade and his breathing began to slow...with the last thing he saw, being his daughter, Amira...laying safely in the Wagain sun before all went dark....
