by Max Barry

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Region: Westfalen Westphalia

Livoniapolis wrote:Thank you very much. I have not authorized our flag to be changed to BLofO. I have asked our Sergeant At Arms to amend and take down all flags until change back occurs. Also our nation is 100% open for business as COVID has been abolished in our region. We got information that locking down key businesses and suffering the small businessman is counter-productive to our economy. There will be more to come in legislation changes and alterations and ablations. Chancellor Douglas R.will be coming back into power in mid 21. He will carry a large Conservative contingency and constituencies. We will not have a head of state until the Chancellor becomes President again, as current Chancellor Kleinman has died due to a power outage as he was on a ventilator device. We regret to inform the region of such news but he's been dead since mid 2020. Our system is operating via shadow cabinet and Chancellor Emeritus Douglas R. being the head titular officer. We also would like to have a higher position in regional system.

Why bother with Presidents at all? Religious Military Despotic Dictatorship is the real way to rule anyway my friend.

Wandering Wallabies, Westphalia empire, and A cornstar
