by Max Barry

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Region: Soviet Democracy

Technocratic union of britain wrote:The fact that the Korparian government is calling our ideology wicked just shows how much you really don't know our ideology. Once again, the Korparian government has shown how it brainwashes it's own people. It disguises the fact that it's a brutal military junta that kills mercilessly if it's power is threatened.

Perhaps the Korparian government should pick up a book on out technocratic system and beliefs or perhaps their uncivilised form of government has prevented them from attaining a High level of knowledge on our ideology

The Technocratic Union of Britain is using their overzealous ideology to justify the reconquest of their "Empire". Claiming to bring so-called enlightenment to all. This sounds much more like a depraved cult.

The "brutal" Korparian Junta is going to be dissolved once free and fair elections can be held again, re-establishing the free Republic of Korpar. The radical Technocratic protestors have attacked a Korparian officer brutally, leaving no choice but to terminate them. But of course, the wicked Technocrats only see what they want to see. Korparians enjoy great civil rights and political freedom. And at least we are honest about murdering prisoners.
