by Max Barry

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Region: United Nations UN

Government Clashes With Council
First Phase of Constitutional Reform Blocked

BENHILL - It's official- the Grand Council has voted down the package of amendments and reforms put out by Vice-Chancellor Cappel and her ministry, that of Voting and Constitutional Reform. Among the most wide-reaching of the proposed reforms was the raising of minimum voting eligibility in sovereign states from 5% of the population to 20%, the introduction of the alternative vote system for national elections, and the consolidation of smaller sovereign states into larger regions. In response to this defeat, Chancellor Leth has announced her intention to stay firm in her support of the proposals, assuring the nation that her belief in the democratic mandate of the Banner Movement is unchallenged.

The Chancellor has also announced a public rally, called the "People's Assembly" to be held at the Kriegpark in the heart of Benhill, to show the strength of the people's will in the face of Grand Council obstructionism. Among the speakers will be Chancellor Leth, Vice-Chancellor Cappel, Foreign Minister Barbeau, and Press & Entertainment Minister Philippe Mattenburger.

