by Max Barry

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Region: United Nations UN


Prime Minister Oakford has announced that, after talks with the Conmerican Chief, Raulee Smlatt, and the Prime Minister of Anthacia, Siegfried Yorke, the IU Triumvirate has decided to enact a full embargo of Joikland. The stated reasons, intense democratic backsliding under the Leth government and it's aggression towards Conmerica, reportedly created concerns that Leth was following the destructive patterns that lead to the Second World War some one hundred thirty-five years ago.

The embargo, which goes into effect at 00:00 Universal Time tomorrow morning, will take three of the largest markets in the world away from Joikland's exporters, and three of the largest exporters in the world away from a lesser Joik economy. This is undoubtedly a strong blow to the previously ascendant nation, which has claimed to have seen massive spikes in economic metrics in the past year. We have not yet heard back from the government of Joikland, although it is not expected to respond kindly to what is clearly a very strong gesture.
