by Max Barry

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Region: United Alliance


" The Unsung War- Part III "
March 20th-24th 1921.

The Oberl'nd Theater: Lee's Pass Defense.

The Drive on Alma Alta was halted, the United Front Sent the 1st Pz. Group back to Oberl'nd. The 2nd Groot Leger Under Grenadier-Leutnat Mijlvisko was ordred to defend Lee's pass with their own Lives. The 501st Panzergrenadier Battailon was the Last of the Panzer Group to arrive in Lee's Pass. The defendants defended during 7 Hours the time needed for all of the Pz. Group to retreat. The United Front reached Lee's Pass Western Suburbs. A Quick and Hardfought combat occured. Then Mijlvisko ordred a Retreat from the Suburbs, 15 Minutes after the entire suburbs was bombeb by Schrapnell's. The Battle for Lee's Pass has begun and the United Front is wining at this time.

A Air Batlle was Fought in Lee's pass: the 3rd Recon Group was interceptated by Miu'an Elements and were shot down.

The Drive to Frankreich: The Succes.

The 1st Kijolijägers Division with the Help of the 1st Groot Leger re-Invaded the North. They were succesful and now Occupy all of the Northern Teritories. The 1st Groot leger is roaming south to cut the Supply Line of Lee's Pass. The Rijk Now Occupies almost all Territories that he wants to annex.

The Western Front.

In a Effort to relive Lee's Pass and to cut the Supplies lines to Lee's Pass, a western Front was oppened just west of Oberln'd in the region of Yui. It was a success: the 3rd Groot Leger wich was railroaded from the Miklozian Border has succesfuly broke throught the Flanks of the Lee's Pass United Troops.

The Widowmaker in the East.

Squadron Schwarze was reasigned to the East to Achieve Air Supremacy: The Squadron fought 3rd Aerial Squadron: 75 Planes again, and was victorious, permitting them to achieve Air Supremacy Over the East.72 Planes were shot down by the Squadron: Widomaker scored 4 Kills: a Legend is Born.

Arcadisia, The miu dynasty, and Greater Niagara
