by Max Barry

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Region: The Hole To Hide In

RP: Ending the War

Over the past year, as the Great War has become stagnant, the nations of Schwypia, the Rumanian States, and Blayredeshia have discussed behind closed doors and through backdoor communications to end the war. All three nations have agreed to cease hostile actions and remove their troops from combat over a period of 2 months; Blayredeshia has agreed to pay Schwypia and Rumania for damages and losses every two years for ten years; Rumania and Schwypia will press for the other Accord nations to make peace with TNL; the Accord and TNL will try to cooperate in the future. As this order goes out, Schwypian soldiers begin their ceasefire directive and start to collect their dead and equipment. For at last achieving peace, President Hethwyr has been named a national heroine and a statue in her home city of Philosa will be constructed. A monument for both of the battles that occurred in Schwypia will also be constructed in the future. February 1st will become a holiday dedicated to the end of the Great War in Schwypia. When asked about the “Schwypian victory” in the Great War, President Hethwyr responded with: “We didn’t win, the whole world lost, but now we can hopefully make sure the world never loses like this again.”

Dwarf land4 and Blayredeshia
