by Max Barry

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Region: The Hole To Hide In

RP: Confrontation
In response to the “pirate” radio station set up by the Icewindian government off the coast, the Rumanian government has demanded that the Icewindians turn off the transmitters and depart, despite sitting outside of the territorial waters. The Rumanian Government has also questioned the motive of protecting the vessel with a destroyer escort. For the time being, the government has placed a ship with a radio jammer nearby to the transmitting ship, blocking the signal from reaching the populace.

Additionally, the government has once again denied the Icewindian efforts at “economic relief” which are viewed as attempt by the Icewindians to acquire holdings in the Rumanian government and economy in order to leverage economic forces against Rumania.

RP: Refugees
Many of those who have left Rumania in response to the crisis are white collar and tech workers who had the funds to leave the nation. Once outside of Rumania most of them are able to afford their own properties, not leasing or using public housing. They are less of refugees and more of migrants, they still maintain ties and property within Rumania but have relocated in response to the crisis.

RP: Bottoming Out
Bucuresti, Rumania - After months of free fall, it appears as though the market has bottomed out, and has even began a recovery, with market averages jumping 200 points last week. However, the market does not determine the health of an economy, and the slow down of economic activity within Rumania continues to drag out. In order to try and stimulate growth within Rumania, and prevent foreign entities from running out the suffering native industries, Congress has been passing increasingly protectionist trade laws, starting with the 2106 Merchant Marine Act and continuing to the point of restoring standard tariff on imports from all Accord Nations. The tariffs have managed to generate government revenue to replace tax losses as well as to force foreign competitors to meet native prices. The one major issues being that now, many items have become even more unaffordable to the poorest Rumanians, as average prices increase. One major price spike was rice, bread, corn, and pork prices which reached their price ceiling and were forced to reduce their prices to be affordable. Many industries have been receiving subsidies to offset losses in both the market and due to price caps.

RP: Congress Passes National Recovery and Revitalization Program
Oradea, Rumania - The Rumanian Congress has successful passed the National Recovery and Revitalization Program which mandates the creation of several work programs under new several government entities, as well as changing laws determining the rights of a worker and increasing the national minimum wage to account for inflation. The NRRP creates several new agencies including the Public Department for the Labor and Work Force, which is an extension of public unemployment offices meant to help the unemployed find work in government programs. The National Public Highway Maintenance Service (HMS) was also established as an offshoot of the Ministry of Transport; the goal of the HMS is to maintain and improve pre-existing public roadways, including improving the 28% of public roadways which are unpaved or exist without proper signage or safety measures. The bill also creates the CVA, NMS, DAA, and several other organizations which will collectively produce millions of jobs and plenty of work. The agencies will act semi-independently of their parent Ministry/Department/Agency and will be partially owned by private interests. The bill has been held as a massive achievement by many and has at least worked to curb the growing number of unemployed.

Unified Korrodia, Antenesia, Blayredeshia, and The gatisland
