by Max Barry

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Region: The Hole To Hide In

Nonadia wrote:RP: first debate

The first debate between the two would be in Arville. It was recorded on every news Network since it was an important night. Both would be asked questions and would answer them.

Host: "Hello and welcome to the first national debate between Alaz Jakson and Gandrea Hangania, first question is what is your stance on socialism?"

Alaz Jakson: "I believe Nonadia should keep it's partial socialism and expand the partial socialism, to where we can let people set up businesses, but to an extent. Such as make the entire alcohol industry state controlled"

Gandrea Hangania: "I think opposite, we should lower the socialism, but to keep about 1 to 5 percent of the economy state controlled, and by doing this we give citizens more freedom and choice to run their business how they want"

Host: "Interesting, how do you guys plan to fix one of the highest unemployment rates in Kalrania?"

Alaz Jakson: "I feel we should start to pour more funding into administration, and start expanding the governments role in the employment industry"

Gandrea Hangania: "I think that allowing businesses to have more freedom in their employment process will allow more people to get jobs as we can separate the low and high income jobs"

Host; "Final question, what do you think you think of the monarchy?"

Alaz Jakson: "I think that we should leave the monarchy as it is as it seems to be functioning well currently"

Gandrea Hangania: "I feel lowering the power of the monarch and giving more power to lower government authorities will balance the government more as more decision making will happen"

Host: "That concludes this fairly short debate, we will see you who won this debate and who is currently winning"

RP: hm

According to polls, Jakson leads at 52%, but Hangania is not to far behind with 47%, and 1% of people said they weren't going to vote for any of them. The next debate is soon and it will be the last and it will basically say who wins the election.
