by Max Barry

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Region: The Western Isles

Segentova wrote:Wanna hear a hot take?
We know that there's no such things as a normal human sexuality per see (ancient greeks engaging in pederasty, etc.)
I am not a psychologist or an authoritative source on sexuality, nor am I gay. But I do have a theory that humans are in some ways biologically programed to be repulsed or turned off by alternative lifestyles. Evolutionarily speaking they don't make much sense as they probably won't lead to procreation (which is the ultimate goal of all life, from a purely biological standpoint). Is it cringe for them to make snide remarks? Yes.
You tell me if it makes sense or not, feel free to call me bigoted or whatever, I'm just trying to wrap my heads around things here.
From what I know you're a decent human being, so I don't see a reason to judge you for living out your sexuality (your choice in lifestyle, if you will)

It's human nature to be wary of things different to what you are/know/believe. That's why tribalism exists (from an international level [those damn Mexicans stealing our jobs] right down to your neighbors [Weird vegan liberal millenials ruining a perfectly good cookout with quinoa instead of steaks] ). Doesn't mean you need to try to dehumanize and demean the Other Guy because they have a quality that is completely out of their control.

Evolutionarily speaking there is an advantage of having some members of the species not procreate: They can watch over the children while the parents gather resources. I'm on mobile so I can't find it right now but it has been documented, as is a multitude of species with recorded homosexual tendencies. There's a difference between Natural and Normal that a lot of people don't understand.

Pederasty is sexual assault and grooming of a minor. It's pedophilia under a different name and was (and is) an abhorrent practice. It wasn't even that common and even back then a lot of people frowned upon it. It is not comparable to being gay, just so happens to be a specific subset of statutory rape and grooming that only applies towards boys as the victim
