by Max Barry

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View our failings

by Max Barry
Tue, 13 Jul 2004

Just a reminder: keep an eye on the Known Problems page for the latest info on forum issues! It's easier than, uh, checking the forums.

Houston, we have forums

by Max Barry
Tue, 13 Jul 2004

The forums are up, and, of course, NationStates players have taken it upon themselves to give them a battering. It's a little like this: we told Jolt there was a dragon in the cave, but they are just now discovering how big the dragon is. They are gazing upon its scaly magnificence and suddenly their Shining Swords of Vengeance don't seem so deadly any more.

So please bear with us. The forums are likely to be a little dicey at first, until Jolt works out the best way to manage demand. Also, once we've got the immediate capacity problem solved, there will no doubt be a bunch of other, less important forum issues to tackle. Rest assured that we will tackle them. Just as soon as we get new swords.