by Max Barry

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by The Retired Cartographer of The Greater Western Union. . 1,326 reads.

'Kaiserreich" RP.

The World Map:


The socialist republic of alaska: German Empire
Haruhi Japan: Soviet Union
The Greater Western Union: The Ottoman Empire
Greater terran union 1st: Italy
Ethics committee of the scpf: Brazil
Ancapstannds: United States
The greater commonwealth of england: Franco-Britain
Rutabegvile: Canada
Sucre kingdom: Andes Confederation
Very totally free: Cuba
U good bro: Japan
Sucre kingdom: Andes Confederation
Potato dave: Ireland
Cerata: Australia

Great Powers:

The Ottoman Empire

The Franco British Union

The Soviet Union

The German Empire

The Italian Empire

The United States of America

(Not in any particular order)
