by Max Barry

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The Most Corrupt Governments in 314159265358979323846264338327950

World Census officials visited a range of government departments and recorded how frequently bribes were required to complete simple administrative requests.

NationWorldkickbacks per hour
1.The Commonwealth of 83297,384th14.21
2.The Rogue Nation of 5926104,530th11.73
3.The Republic of 1971107,607th10.79
4.The Colony of 9793120,062nd7.86
5.The Republic of 2884146,700th3.67
6.The Free Land of 6433189,773rd2.06
7.The United States of 5105236,610th0.89
8.The Empire of 6939937237,170th0.87
9.The Republic of 7950246,329th0.77
10.The Republic of 3141257,356th0.74