by Max Barry

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by The Utterly Intentional Union of Vacatio Libertas. . 60 reads.

Poking the Bear:Edition Three

Poking the Bear

I'm tired of intros. Let's get right into it!

Borenzoist shavakin claims

Oh, I don't think so, Vacatio Libertas! You're at it again, Brainwashed by their Lies, Oh Didn't you tell Our Leader that you Left SCUT and Told him that you wanted to help him Sabotage Them a bit? Let's look at what they have for us today.

Your right, you don't think. And yes, I did leave SCUT for multiple reasons, and I couldn't have been "brainwashed by their lies" for I was even isolationist over there. And you are correct, I did tell Hispanyo that I'd be willing to sabotage them a bit. That of course now has been revoked since he demanded that I sever all ties with Arcem. I got to say, that sounds a tad socialist to me. You know, state-owned media is frowned upon. I may write my regional newspaper, but at least I don't make a puppet to hide behind.

Borenzoist shavakin claims

Our Font Isn't Comic Sans, It's CURSIVE! Have you ever thought of that?

No, I haven't considered it for a mere moment since that font doesn't even resemble cursive.
This is Comic Sans
BBCode doesn't support cursive fonts and you therefore cannot use them.

We were only Evil in Name.

Then I'm not sure why you would name your region "The Empire of Badness and Evilness". Credit where credit is due, you live up to that name quite well in my eyes.

See, Comrades in-Arms, This man plansto Falsify Us, We're Exposing these False words.

Congratulations, you failed to prove that Comic Sans is Cursive and you contradicted yourself by effectively admitting to being objectively Bad and Evil.

You hypocrisy is showing, Hispanyo

Created December 2, 2017
