by Max Barry

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by The Nuclear Sovereign of Beinirham. . 121 reads.

The Region of Warhammer 40000 turns 10.

10 Years!

Since this region was founded sometime in Fall 2007, and the equinox was on September 22nd,
the Region of Warhammer 40000 is turning 10!
Since the precise date is lost to history, lets use the whole season as the anniversary!

I hadn't really thought about planning the usual festivities or anything to mark this period of time as different from normal. There is no promise of progress in the far future, only war. But we've got all season to figure that out. Of course, it should be highlighted in the factbook. Traditionally, extra forum games and RP BBQs are involved, but since we don't regularly use the forum perhaps such activities are better left in the past. It seems some kind of pow wow to review regional interests going forward is in order. Perhaps anniversary shenanigans will stimulate ideas for ongoing activity.Assuming there is some participation.

What do you think? What sorts of discussions, casual rps, polls or other activities would you like to see?

(Reflective Rant Follows)

Perhaps it is fitting that I have regained the office of Delegate at this time, to ring in the decade. I have been here since nearly the beginning, and was the 2nd delegate elected by the founding emigrants from ancient Warhammer 40k. You'll notice my population is just about to reach 20 billion. Which mainly goes to show I've stuck around, minus a brief warp incident in 2010. But I came back!

I once put significant effort to promote region building and inter-regional diplomacy and drive the population to its peak. Then it fell, and that was years ago, and such things were rarely a popular regional interest. Since then I've largely allowed it to handle itself, apart from refounding for security. I could hardly claim expertise or notable contribution its current state, apart from a mildly pompus presence, and occasionally inspiring short lived initiatives from peaks in general regional activity and motivation.

This region has rarely been flashy, and doesn't do many typical region things, but it somehow just works as a haven for those nations of the grim dark future. It effortlessly draws a trickle of tortured souls to roughly fill the place of the fallen, even if most prefer to lurk than mingle. But it seems there is a spark of percolating interests and intents. We've brought to life and embedded our own Toast Cult, so never underestimate where community can emerge, and don't take this space for granted. It may lack the graphics and versatile interaction of your Dawn of War and table top skirmishes, but there can be worthwhile interactions and connections here none the less. The regional community is often the difference that makes nations last longer than 28 days, though there are a lot more than 30 issues now so maybe there's that. My first two nations lacked such a connection and ended the same way. I'm not really sure what makes them hang on for 10 years, but I'm still here.

While you're here, be sure to pipe up on the RMB occasionally rather than just lurking in the window waiting for something to happen. There is a much greater chance of something happening that way.

"Why is it us, Why us?"
"Cause we're here lads, nobody else, just us." Colour Sgt Bourne
