by Max Barry

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by Regional congress. . 175 reads.

North Ustayngan Rules

The 9 Commandments of North Ustaynga

1. No racist, homophobic, or otherwise socially derogatory words will be tolerated.
2. Verbal attacks may be made onto a fictional leader, but never to the player themselves.
3. Only one account per member will be allowed.
4. A nation may not be banned or ejected for in character reasons, all bans and ejections are purely OOC actions.
5. A supervising nation must gather the approval of Regional Congress to make major changes the World Factbook Entry, or anything that may represent our region.
6. All nations must abide to passed legislation, be it beneficial or not. However, you may create a vote to repeal said legislation if it is detrimental to you.
7. Please do not spam or advertise in any of the discord channels.
8. Political takeovers may be made, but these rules may not be altered or rendered null without going through regional congress, first.
9. Do not blur the lines between ooc and ic grudges. OOC and IC should be distinctly and clearly separated.

Regional congress

