by Max Barry

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by The Eternal Republic of Nova-Roma. . 298 reads.

Consitution of the Mediterranean

Constitution of the Mediterranean
Established October 5, 2014

We, the people of the Mediterranean, in order to proclaim and exercise our freedoms as a united people, hereby ordain this Constitution as the highest word of Law and the official Declaration of our Sovereignty. We henceforth declare this grand document to be binding of all citizens.

Article I - The Founder

    I - The Government shall not, under any circumstance, encroach upon the rights of the citizen for any reason other than punishment for crimes against the people

    II - The Government may, if necessary, put the region into a state of martial law, but this is only to be executed in the event of emergency

    III - The Regional Founders shall maintain executive power, regardless of elections or public opinion, so as to ensure that the Region remains stable

    IV - The Founder and the Delegate shall remain the only members of the Government who may propose, construct, and terminate embassies

    V- It is the responsibility of the Founder and the Delegate to maintain the Regional Message Board and Regional Role-plays

    VI - It is the responsibility of the Founder, the Delegate, and the Regional Government to maintain the rights of citizens and uphold the Constitution

    VII - The Founder may remove members of the Government, so long as they are determined to be responsible for infractions against the Region

    VIII - The Founder shall preside over all elections in the Region, as well as act as the "final word" on Government activities

Article II - The Prime Minister & the Deputy Prime Minister

    I - The Prime Minister shall serve as the World Assembly Delegate and the Head Representative of the Region

    II - The Prime Minister shall be elected by the general consensus of a Regional Poll conducted three days before the end of a four month term
    (Elections are held every four months and the office is limited to three terms.)

    III - Should it be determined that the Prime Minister has utilized Puppet Nations to elect him or herself, they shall be immediately stripped of their title and Removed from the Region

    IV - The Prime Minister shall be endorsed by all World Assembly Nations

    V - The Prime Minister shall hold executive power alongside the Founder, as detailed in Article I

    VI The Prime Minister shall be beholden to the People and may be removed from power by the Delegate or Founder based on public opinion

    VII - Prior to the Election, all citizens seeking the Prime Minister position must submit a telegram to the Founder, any telegrams sent following the election will be ignored.

    VIII - The Prime Minister may request the appointment of citizens to their cabinet by the Founder and/or Delegate, with said request being either granted or denied

    IX - The Deputy Prime Minister shall be an elected position. Elected at every regional election, the Deputy Prime Minister shall form part of The Executive Government.

    X - The Deputy Prime Minister is second in charge of Government and must be appointed as Prime Minister in the event the elected Prime Minister has ceased to exist or has been voted out.

Article III - The Cabinet

    I - The Cabinet shall serve as a supplementary board to the Prime Minister Position, providing advisory and conducting operations of his/her behalf

    II - It is highly recommended for Cabinet members to be a member of the World Assembly.

    III - The Cabinet shall consist of approximately five (5) positions: Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Intelligence, Minister of Defence, and Minister of Immigration

    IV - Ministers shall be appointed or dismissed at the discretion of the Prime Minister, Founder, or Delegate without the consultation of the people

    V - The Minister of Internal Affairs shall be responsible for ensuring the sanctity of the Regional Message Board, Regional Roleplays, and submit reports on suspicious individuals in the region

    VI - The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall be responsible for diplomacy with other regions, as well as overseeing declarations of war and the like

    VII - The Minister of Intelligence shall be responsible for gathering information on threats to Regional Security and providing said information to the Government Leadership for review

    VIII - The Minister of Defense shall be responsible for conducting operations of war and defense against raiding groups, taking into account information provided by the other Ministers

    IX - The Minister of Immigration shall be responsible for the recruitment of new citizens, as well as the advisory on the removal of other, problematic citizens

Article IV - Rights of the People

    I - The People may maintain nations as they see fit, without fear of Government intervention

    II - The People may protest their government, so long as said protests are maintained in a civil manner

    III - The People may post on the Regional Message Board

    IV - The People may suggest new Regional Roleplays

    V - The People may participate as much, or as little, as they so desire in Regional affairs

    VI - The People may enter and leave the Region as they please.

    VII - The People may participate in Regional Events

    VIII - The People shall maintain the right to free speech at all times, regardless of government affairs, so long as said free speech is not considered trolling or RMB spamming
