by Max Barry

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by Louisistan. . 32 reads.

Reunification - Finally within reach?

Konstanz (LSN) - Given the recent decline of Suevo-Prussian economy, debate has sparked up in Louisistan, if reunification with The Four Cities might be close. After their secession they managed to keep the economy on a high level, but recently (most notably since the signing of the Treaty of The Iron Alliance of Greater Louisistan) their economy has spiraled downward.
Speaker Pascal Scheffler, current head of state in Suevo-prussia has commented on the matter saying that "in the current, corrupt atmosphere of the Confederacy, reunification is impossible.". The Louisistanian Lord Chancellor Benedikt Friar commented "The Confederacy is obligated under this year's treaty to respect the Suevo-Prussian independence until the people of Suevo-Prussia demand to be reunified with their native Fatherland."

