by Max Barry

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by The Kingdom of Brototh. . 3 reads.

Act in regards to Constitutional repeals and Conventions (2024)

Act in regards to Constitutional repeals and Conventions (2024)
AUTHOR: Brototh

Noting the complete lack of legal order and system in Thaecia at present.
Understanding a constitutional convention must be held outside of the regular legal system to restore Thaecia.
Pursuing the restoration of order and democracy in Thaecia, but recognising that Thaecia is under crisis and that attempts to do this with the current legal system are not realistic.
Determined that Thaecia will survive no matter what.
Thus convening a constitutional convention to navigate Thaecia through this crisis which poses to us an existential threat.


Section I - The passage of this bill constitutes the repeal of all Legislative Resolutions, excluding this bill itself, in regards to those passed through the methods stated in Article IV, Section IV, of the Fourth Constitution of Thaecia or similar sections in its predecessors; including but not limited to any laws mentioned in the dispatches established by Legislative Resolution 039 Law Registry Act (2020).
  • Sub-section I - The passage of this bill does not constitute the repeal of any other legislation passed through means other than the contents of that section of the Fourth Constitution and predecessors alone; no sub-sections apply, only the parent section itself.

Section II - The passage of this bill constitutes the repeal of the Fourth Constitution of Thaecia.
Section III - The passage of this bill constitutes the dissolution of the Thaecian government as an effect of the repeal of the Constitution of Thaecia as no positions will legally exist; the serving Electoral Commissioner, the World Assembly Delegate, and the Vice Delegate, are exempt from this.
Section IV - The passage of this bill constitutes the succession of the Thaecian government to the Governor of Thaecia and the Leader of the Convention once elected.
Section V - The contents of this legislation are only enforceable when passed with a 2/3rds majority in each Chamber of Congress and the approval of the citizenry with a 3/5ths majority vote in a referendum.

Section I - Establishes the Fifth Constitution of Thaecia, reading as follows;


  • ARTICLE I - Constitution

    • Section I - The power only to ensure the continuation of the region outside of the Constitutional Convention lies upon the Governor of Thaecia and the Leader of the Convention; typical components of a free and democratic society must not be interfered with.

    • Section II - The Electoral Commissioner is responsible for holding elections for the Constitutional Convention; they shall hold public instant-runoff voting elections for the Leader of the Convention, and public single-transferable voting elections for the seven (7) members of the Convention; if the Electoral Commissioner persistently fails to run these elections, the Governor of Thaecia may replace them.

    • Section III - The Constitutional Convention shall work in the following manner;

      • 1. The Leader of the Convention shall be responsible for organising debates and votes on any platform which is reasonable for most Thaecian citizens to access;

      • 2. Any citizen of Thaecia under the rules of the Fourth Constitution may submit Amendments to the Constitution, which may be rejected by the Leader of the Convention,

      • 3. The Members of the Convention shall vote on any amendment, which require a 2/3rds majority to pass; if an amendment is passed, it shall then progress to a whole-citizens vote, which requires a 3/5ths majority to pass; all votes are public.

      • 4. Once the Members of the Convention are satisfied that they have passed the requisite amendments, the whole Constitution shall be voted on by the members, requiring the same majority as amendments, then progress to a whole-citizens vote, requiring the same majority as amendments; if this vote succeeds this whole Constitution shall be replaced by that text.

      • 5. Members of the Convention or the Convention leader may be removed by a petition signed by at least six (6) citizens & then approved via a region wide referendum by simple majority.

      • 6. Any vacancy in the Members of the Convention or the Convention leader must be replaced by special election.
