by Max Barry

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by The Blauer Reichsadler of Lemsrow. . 1 reads.

100 Word Story - The Forgotten and Remembered Cities

The Lost CityAuthor: Lemsrow

Twas thee of two cities, one remembered, and one forgotten,

Within the tablet, lies the record of an ancient city,

A city whose marks remain on legends, but lost forever in all aspects,

What was a known city, now in the shadow of the unknown, and remains in constant,

Quoth the founder, Nevermore of its remains, Nevermore of ignorance, Nevermore of pain, Forevermore a Legend.

The city of relevance, fame and power,

Subjected to endless seiges, it stood nevertheless,

Remembered for thy history, and regarded for thy magnificent city,

Pointless wars by blinding power,

Was thee worthy of it? Never.
