by Max Barry

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by The Divine Cabaret of Friends of Dorothy. . 2 reads.

BA from the University of Tommy - take the exam

Get a BA from the University of Tommy - ONLINE

Answer the following five questions correctly to receive a genuine university degree …

1. Who is Nudist Dreamland’s longest serving WA Delegate? a) António Guterres, b) Pope Frankie, c) Queen Elizabeth II, d) Wadelhelpia

2. Which parrot is a national hero with a fabulous singing voice? a) Gay Parrot, b) Dead Parrot, c) a parrot that has ceased to exist, d) Céline Dion

3. Who is Lady Laura’s teddy bear friend in Beach Love ? a) Yogi Bear, b) Paddington Bear, c) Willy, d) Winnie-the-Pooh

4. Which is the Nudest nation in Nudist Dreamland? a) Breakfast at Tiffany’s, b) Timothée Chalamet (if only), c) The Devil Wears Prada, d) Pencil Sharpeners

5. When was Nudist Dreamland founded? a) before the dinosaurs, b) 1066, c) 2007, d) it’s all a dream

Send a telegram to: Nudist Dreamland*, Head Honcho, University of Tommy, Gay Parrot Flypast, Shark Harbour ND1 234. If you answer correctly you will be accredited as an honest-to-goodness UNIVERSITY GRADUATE.

* Or to Friends of Dorothy, who will send the verified replies on to the Founder by way of an internal message. This is perfectly above board, believe you me.

Alumni (BA - University of Tommy): The Naked Few, Ernest N Cross, Dancing Dragons, The Undead Sailor
