by Max Barry

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by The UWE of Alzarikstan. . 1 reads.

Jakarta Declaration: Reproachment Between Benelux and Indonesia

Deklarasi Jakarta

On the Reproachment of Relations Between the United Kingdom of the Benelux and the Republic of Indonesia
Tentang Pemulihan Hubungan Antara Kerajaan Belanda dan Republik Indonesia

20 November 1958

The United Kingdom of the Benelux and the Republic of Indonesia comes forth in understanding and negotiation in the effort to reverse strained relations toward comprehensive productivity and collaboration. Understanding the historical relationship between Indonesia and the Benelux, the Jakarta Declaration seeks to form a stable foundation to begin reconciliation and reproachment between the nations and foster a new beginning of diplomatic conversation and relation building. Both the Benelux and Indonesia have come to a series of agreements to heal historical wounds, acknowledge colonial misconduct, and now atone for misdeeds through constructive dialogue and transparency. After transparent negotiations, both nations have been able to come to political, economic, and financial agreements to demonstrate a true new beginning.

POLITICAL SOLIDARITY AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The United Kingdom of the Benelux and the Republic of Indonesia hereby agrees to:

      The Benelux will recognize the sovereignty of Indonesia.
      The Benelux will recognize the importance of Indonesia and the four maritime choke points within it's domain.
      The Benelux will disavow rebel and opposition groups against the Central Government. Further, the Benelux will provide material and strategic aid to suppress rebel forces in Indonesia.
      The Benelux will transfer Papua New Guinea to Indonesia in 1965, to complete the unity of the Archipelago under the Central Government's control.
      The Benelux will recognize the territorial domain of Indonesia in the Asia-Pacific region.
      Indonesia will grant a permanent lease of the Island of Waigeo for the establishment of a military installation to the Benelux

ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL EMPOWERMENT OF THE ARCHIPELAGO: The United Kingdom of the Benelux and the Republic of Indonesia hereby agrees to:

      The Benelux to make investments into Indonesian Infrastructure - specifically within the realm of road construction, a ferry network, bridges, and the like. Such investments will come in the form of loans distributed by Benelux banks at competitive interest rates for the duration of each contract. Further, material support will be provided in the form of technicians and engineers who can guide the efforts of local workers and construction companies/firms.
      The Benelux to support the development of a world-class education system in Indonesia, based upon the Benelux model. This should come through a teaching visa distributed to Lander citizens by the Indonesian Central Government - for classroom teachers and administrators who will help start new schools, and train locals, phasing out their service to Indonesia over a period of 10-15 years. Further, financial support will be distributed if such financial support is needed.
      The Benelux to provide advisers and officials for hire to Indonesia's Ministry of Finance and Treasury to assist in the formation of a business-friendly Tax system, and financial/commercial regulatory system, modeled after our own.
      The Benelux to accept Indonesian students into Universities to study Finance, Economics, etc.
      Indonesia to be established as the financial hub of the Benelux in Asia with approved reduced tax/tariff rates on Benelux financial institutions to enter Indonesia. Further, these banks will receive funds to help Indonesian citizens establish financial institutions of their own, through loans with reduced interest rate.
      Indonesia agrees to enter into a Preferential Trade Agreement that includes the systemic reduction of tariffs between both nations - laying the foundation for a Free Trade Agreement over the coming years based on review, collaboration, and expanded profitable trade.

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