by Max Barry

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by The Blauer Reichsadler of Lemsrow. . 15 reads.

Mini Series - Cold on the Doorstep

Lemsrow wrote:

Dofheß Äacheg looks on in the vast Baltic Sea, contemplating many of his past decisions, ever wondering if he could do right again. Everything around became ever silent, but with the ambient sounds of wildlife, nothing could go wrong, right? “Sir! You have an emergency meeting with the FGC, they seem to need your guide on the current situation at hand!” shouted his assistant, abruptly dashing his bliss in silence.

“Godverdamt, was the press conference not enough?” replied Ächeg, “It’s urgent!” says the assistant back. With much groaning in his ruined bliss, he gets up from his chair and prepares himself for another stressful day ahead. “The meeting at 7AM, work at 9AM, home at 5PM, I’m absolutely tired of this!” mumbling, but he couldn’t reschedule as it was urgent the assistant claims, it could be on the state of the climate, who knows really?

Arriving at 6:47 AM after a 4-hour drive from Denmark to Königsburg, he enters the FGC Parliament Bldg. and expects it to be silent, as is every other day, but something… feels very unusual. Noise can be heard all throughout the building, much sounding like heaters, “Likely heaters.” remarks Äachen who’s immediately sweating after freezing outside. On his usual path, many government officials and staff rush around, as if it were a busy day, when usually it’d be empty and silent. Trying to ignore the extreme heat now collecting in the rooms he goes through, he proceeds to the Main Chamber of Parliament, where every members except for a few tardy sit. 

With Parliament now in order, Äachen sits with 4 other Councilmen called in this morning to hold an emergency meeting in the FGC Parliament Bldg. to discuss important matters. Within seconds, the council was immediately filled with noise, enough to give a certain chance to make someone deaf, but what is much more important was the meeting. As they clear out the debauchery of the remaining council representatives, one takes the stand and states “Our weather stations in Svalbard are recording freezing temperatures the world has never seen! We have received reports it’s racking in data streams of -271°C and -299°C, what can we do to increase the temperature?”, and promptly returns to his seat.

As one of the councilman stood up to the main speaker to make his response, power is cut off to the building. One second, two seconds, three seconds, four, the darkness continues. 


The lights come back on! With light restored and wiping away the fears of the FGC, they exit the Main Council Building and to discover tragic news as they make their way towards the elevators, which barely holds the load of the hundreds of council representatives piling on like French fries, they see the entire city has been cut or power, indicating critical damage to power infrastructure. But with no time to waste to get to his job in Germanicia (Berlin), he gets in his car along with the 4 councilman and make haste there before things get worse. Unfortunately, unaware to the situation at hand, it had a massive factor in preceding floods. The Split Dam. But, that was not the problem at hand for Äacheg.

Driving like a madman, Äacheg weaved through traffic and intersection until finally suddenly and abruptly stepping on the breaks, sending everyone inside a meter forward. After everyone recouping themselves, they immediately began hollering at Äachen for just randomly stopping without a signal. In response, he said “The expressway, it’s… I just can’t see it.”, which immediately creeped out the other councilmen, but he wasn’t wrong. Fog had set in their area, which decreased their vision to that of a small critter like a caterpillar. With no option, they turned back, but they had to drive fast through snow-covered roads due to the fog fast approaching. Fortunately, they made it back to Königsburg, unfortunately, the power was not yet restored to the city. 

With telecom infrastructure hanging on, the group manages to see the horrendous devastation. And boy was it destructive. Thousands dead from this sudden surge of the ice age, millions trapped in the north in their bunkers, knowing they would die of the cold. The news was horrific, giving the total death toll of 21,947 and a trapped toll of 17,837,001. All of the northern states (Svalbard, Iseland, Lapland, Trondheim, Oslo, Saami, Stockholm, Gothburg-Malmo, Murmansk, Finland, and Scotland) have ceased to exist as the storm was sudden, immediately freezing the governments to death. A national state of emergency was declared minutes ago by the FGC, who evacuated to Tirana stating “Today, thousands of our citizens have died due to the sudden winter thrust, but do not think this is the end of Lemsrow! Everyone in the affected areas need to either evacuate to a government facility or hide in your bunkers! Every house in Lemsrow was designed with safety in mind, and a bunker comes with it! Stock in supplies, clothes, among other things. We shall prevail! Glory to the Federation!”. 

With armed knowledge, the 5 councilmen dashed to the car before things got worse and raced for Bucharest in Wallachia. Along the way, seeing many people walk through the cold, unfortunately, they couldn’t fit any more passengers besides children, and so, they saved as much children as they could, saving 7 with the parents possibly being long forgotten. But there was no time to waste to honor the parents, they had to save themselves in order to keep the nation in tact. Contacting the Foreign Minister, Äacheg asks for an immediate evac force in Krakow despite the risks to get out of the danger zone.

What will become of the councilmen?

Hlml pcq sehw cckvip xff dthqk nwpsmz s ecpp.

Pye xgc vn Zgivhbcy, vkgnmy qcie uho skees.

Njhrx zzu nu iielavrr J pnwuyatytlh, ove tbow vs hqa xuf pnx uj ghyul gubtn il qrsmcnif.

Ipry'y e eahfvq xfj yia'py nygk ma use zaxhry; Iysmoj.
