by Max Barry

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by The Kravorian Union of The Joeanian Republic. . 23 reads.

Overview: The Rutan Kingdom

The Rutan Kingdom

The Maps of Ruta

The Rutan Cultural Symbol

What was Ruta?
Ruta was a Kingdom that existed for 42 years. They where a absolute monarchy led by a King. His name however is lost to the ages after the State of Cruta removed all Rutan History from its lands after the 2nd Crutan-Rutan war. Ruta was a Christian Nation. Its Brother Nation of Cruta had its own religion and Ruta despied it.
Ruta won the 1st Crutan-Rutan War in 1768-1770. Ruta started to weaken after its victory and in 1776 it declared war on Cruta again. How ever Cruta was better equipped and had more men and defeated the Rutans in 1779. Ruta caused significant damage to Crutas Infrastructure and economy before it surrendered to Cruta in 1779 Most of Ruta was annexed by Cruta. Cruta begun removing all evidence of Rutan existence except its people and in 1976 the Final Rutan decendent died causing the end of the Rutan People.
The History of Ruta

1737: The Kingdom of Ruta Formed.
1738: The first and only king is crowned.
1740: Krakot is constructed
1745: Aliance with Novegrad
1754: Aliance with Cruta
1758: The Chieftess of Cruta was murdered by a Rutan criminal causing Tension between Cruta and Ruta
1760: Ruta reaches 5 million in population
1765: The King survives an assassination from a Rutan peasant.
1768: Ruta Declares war on Cruta causing the 1st Crutan-Rutan War
1769: The Final decade of Ruta begins
1770: Ruta annexes East Sendale and wins the war.
1774: The King has begun preparations to wipe Cruta from the face of the Earth.
1776: Ruta Declares war on Cruta causing The 2nd Crutan-Rutan War.
1777: Crutas infrastructure is decimated by Rutan forces.
1778: Cruta captures the City of Krakot and annexed land which is now in the eastern side of Cruta
1779: The 2nd war is over with a Crutan Victory, Ruta ceases to exist as a nation.
1976: The last of the Rutens dies causing the offical end of Ruta.
