by Max Barry

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by Wa development program of tep. . 85 reads.

TEP MoWAA on Freedom Of Association

General Assembly: Freedom Of Association

The ministry supports the spirit of the latest resolution, "Freedom Of Association", but identifies a critical issue in its design. The final clause establishes several extremely broad exceptions for its protection of association, such that member states may easily alter their laws as to reduce the effects of this resolution to nonexistence. In particular, the ministry is concerned that these exceptions allow member states to criminalize association with organizations which promote civil disobedience, such as numerous civil rights groups.

On this basis, the ministry recommends a vote against this resolution.

Ministry Recommendation: AGAINST (0-1-4)
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Freedom Of Association

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

The World Assembly,

Cognizant of the many foundational freedoms previously guaranteed by this Assembly such as freedom of the press and freedom of assembly,

Recognizing that while these fundamental freedoms are guaranteed that there is a third pillar of fundamental freedoms in freedom of affiliation that is not,

Believing that no nation should enact criminal penalties for affiliating with an organisation not involved in the commission of a crime, hereby enacts the following subject to prior, extant World Assembly legislation:

  1. Governments must allow citizens to associate with any organisation of their choosing.

    1. Freedom of association with an organisation is subject to the organisation in question allowing such association.

    2. An organisation may have criminal penalties attached for association with it on the basis that it actively undermines national security, directs its members to violate national criminal law, includes the commission of crimes among its goals or activities, or spreads, or intends to spread, a message of hate directed toward a specific group.


Wa development program of tep
