by Max Barry

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by The Congruent Repertoire of Unojo. . 113 reads.

Vote Unojo and I'll let you see your family



[center][color=red][size=125][b]Hello, I have comth to tell you the news. Not about Conjointism (yet), but about The next LC election and why you should vote me.[/b][/size][/color][/center]


[b][color=pink][i]Number one, look at what these lovely people have to say about the wonderful country of Unojo.[/color]
[/b][/i][quote=the_ipugao_tna_representative;43276451][nation]Unojo[/nation] is great at making maps.[/quote]
[quote=the_uvalor_tna_representative;43276668]Unojo is a good drawer.[/quote]
[i][sub]Don't look too close into it.[/sub][/i]


[color=blue][size=125][b]Next thing, we need someone who isn't a yes man. Let's be honest, everyone who has anything to do with TSP politics don't really oppose anything unless everyone doesn't like it. For instance, screw puppies, kittens are better.[/b][/size][/color]




[color=grey][size=125][b]It would  be funny for a Monarch to be democratically elected. Also, we need new people in the office of Local Council.[/b][/size][/color]


[color=red][size=125][b][quote=unojo;43304482]I will as well. I have a policy of keeping puppets out of TSP after some stuff happened in october.[/quote][/b][/size][/color]

[color=grey][size=125][b]Yeah, here it is:[/b][/size][/color]




[center][color=red][size=150][b]Finally, I'll keep forcing my goblin troll friend to make these if you don't vote me.[/b][/size][/color][/center]



The Congruent Repertoire of Unojo

