by Max Barry

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by New cerata. . 76 reads.

Cuara Census 2021

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But what is the Cuara Census?


Question: What is the Cuara Census? ║

Answer: The Cuara Census is a short survey that gathers information from nations in NS and Cuara.║

Question: But what is the point of doing this if nothing will be released? ║

Answer: Results will be compiled and released in a PowerPoint in May of 2021. Come back to this dispatch or go to Cuara's WFE to find the PowerPoint in December of 2021!║

Question: Is the survey really long?║

Answer: No, it only has 10 easy-to-answer questions.║

Question: Where do I find the survey?║

Answer: LinkRight here.║

LinkTake the survey here If you find errors/typos in this dispatch or the survey please contact New cerata!

New cerata

