by Max Barry

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by The Federal Dual Monarchy of Wille-Harlia. . 75 reads.

The 10000 Islands Leader's Summit

10000 Islands Leader's Summit

LinkForum | LinkDiscord | Link10000 Islands Constitution | LinkWelcome Center | LinkGenerations and Houses | LinkRegional Reserve Offices | LinkGrand Debate Hall | LinkMap of 10000 Islands

From today, October 29th, until November 12th, Wille-Harlia will be hosting a summit for world leaders on the 10000 Islands Forum. All residents of 10000 Islands are invited, and all you have to do to attend is to post in the forum thread stating that you are attending, and then make an In-Character post detailing the arrival of your leader.

Once you arrive, feel free to discuss any topic of your choice with the other assembled world leaders. Every day, I will post a topic for discussion to get a conversation going. Topics such as ideologies, diplomacy, dealing with terrorists, international trade, and much more will be discussed.

This summit will serve as a starting point for lots of different roleplays that can occur on the forum. Didn't like a comment someone made about your Leader's nose at the Summit? You can sanction them! Did someone criticize one of your government's policies? You can go to war with them! Or, you can talk it out, it's up to you. Attendees will also be able to display the event's logo, designed by Free Las Pinas, in their forum signature! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to telegram, me, Wille-Harlia, on NS, or PM me on the forum, or DM me on Discord. The link to the thread can be found Linkhere.

LinkForum | LinkDiscord | Link10000 Islands Constitution | LinkWelcome Center | LinkGenerations and Houses | LinkRegional Reserve Offices | LinkGrand Debate Hall | LinkMap of 10000 Islands
