by Max Barry

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by Irwin stevens. . 22 reads.

PumpKing of Warzone Australia Candidate: The Pumpkin Man

Greetings Lads and Lassies, Sheilas and Joeys, Spoops and Bumps and Frights.

I’m Irwin Stevens, The Monster Hunter, and I’ll be your host as we track down the most Spoopy beings in Warzone Australia and show them off in all their glory and power!

Our third stop takes us deep into the heartlands of Ahnenmaa, to the creeping pumpkin patch of a wily creature known only as The Pumpkin Man. A strange creature that only emerges into spoopiness during the month of October.

The creeping vines of the pumpkin patch grow thick and large, pumpkins the size of a truck and even larger grow in jumbled configurations, the twisting vines and pumpkins forming strange, and strangely adorable images in the dark.

As we approach the center of the pumpkin patch the night seems to grow darker, even the light of the stars is blocked out by the thickly woven canopy of vines, and at times the path seems to just open up before us, and close behind leading us deeper and deeper into a labyrinth from which escape seems unlikely.

We find The Pumpkin Man at the heart of his pumpkin patch bent over a cauldron the defeated forms of several turnip farmers clasped in one large hand as he emptied a bottle of pure alcohol into his cooking vessel before dropping the farmers in. His jack-o-lantern head swiveling almost 360 degrees around as he laughs and laughs and laughs.

I’m alone with my camera men now, the rest of the crew lost somewhere in the pumpkin patch. He whispers something to me, but his words are lost in a fresh batch of laughter from The Pumpkin Man. He grabs the back of my shirt as I try to get closer, wanting to see if I can climb the gigantic Pumpkin Man and pluck a leaf off of his head.

I got halfway up before he noticed me and plucked me off his thigh like I was a flea or a particularly annoying spider, he grasp tight around my waist as he pulled me from his leg and began to drag me towards his cauldron, but I managed to slip free sprinting towards my cameraman as The Pumpkin Man roared in annoyance behind me. The vines of the pumpkin patch closed in tight as we tried to flee and so in the end we were forced to climb, the cameraman and I only barely managing to make it out onto the top of the vine canopy before the vines could crush us completely. The laughter of the Pumpkin man followed us as we made out way along the canopy, doing all we could to avoid tripping and falling back into the patch below.

Another spoop found, another spoop escaped. A truly, truly majestic monster.

Irwin stevens

