by Max Barry

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by The Dead Meme of Dekks. . 20 reads.

Dekks for Councillor of Domestic Affairs

Hi y'all, I'm Dekks and I'm running to be the first Councillor of Domestic Affairs of the Democratic Socialist Assembly. I am currently an active member of the region and have served as President and World Assembly delegate, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Domestic Affairs in the past. I am running for this position because I have been with the region as it has grown and changed throughout the period that I've been a member, and I believe that with a fresh outlook on what kind of region and community we want to be we need a fresh vision from a trusted member of the region. I think it's important that instead of the Councillor acting like the primary driving force of the policies and focus of Domestic Affairs the Councillor should be able to effectively execute policies and ideas that are desired and brought up by the community and I think I'd be a in a good spot to do this, however I have written my general ideas on how to manage the CoDA here below.

Department of Immigration:

We should be focusing on member retention and activation, what we have seen is that while residency numbers can flutuate getting more active members of the community however is something which the region profits from long-term. I would support more interaction and communication with the RMB community and speaking to potentially active nations who are not yet on the discord, though we would regularly promote the discord server since that is where most activity lies, an active WA program is also of great help in keeping nations active so I plan to work together with the WAD as well. Of course I still plan to increase our efforts in keeping up an effective auto-recruiter for a long period of time.

Game Nights:

The DoCA should get regular game nights going, I plan to get this done through promoting the game night role on the discord, keeping up a list of ftp online games we could have game nights for, and to set up a schedule for bi-weekly game nights in whichever game could be used and that could be hosted by anyone who is able to at the scheduled day during a period which usually holds some activity. I would also be searching for turn-based online games where people on opposite sides of the world could more reliably play together. Game nights will also be encouraged to be hosted on other times at well, however whether a game is pinged or not will be at the Council of Domestic Affairs discretion to prevent over-pinging. Payed games will fall under the same category as extra-game as long as enough members own a certain game.


There should come a seperate 'Community Affairs' section on the forum which is the current MoDA sub-board but more visible, with the 'Design Studios' and 'Writing Studios' sub-boards remaining, the other sub-boards being removed and a 'Projects' sub-board being added. The forum will mostly be used for storage and votes, while most activity will be focused on in the discord server.

The focus of the CoDA concerning art will be shifted from competetitions and towards cooperation. Such as collective writing prompts to create any kind of entertaining story, working together with RP to set-up (relatively) elaborate non-canon events which will include a story, art and game rules (creating a basic strategy game like risk, or a basic board game, for example.).

The direct input of the artists in the DSA in how this section is managed will however be the most important part.

Other cool stuff:

The other candidate for CoDA Mon silanies has brought up the idea of a low-effort Book Club and Movie nights, I think those are very interesting ideas and would like to discuss with Mon Silanies how to get execute these ideas. I would also make sure that the cabinet aides in the CoDA and the members of the community could give their ideas on activities that we could do.


Since it's important we don't spread ourselves too thin I would support Solidarity going back to a newspaper which is brought out every two weeks since this would be a good way to reach out to our residents who are not on discord and to show our embassies what we like to get up to hear. Solidarity would include the notable things that have happened in the region the past two weeks, some interviews, some opinion-eds, etc.
What's most important is that we get a Solidarity Team going where everyone can reliably take up atleast one responsability, such as interviewing people, collecting the notable events, writing up whatever they want, collecting interesting art pieces, editing and promoting, etc.
