by Max Barry

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by The Kingdom of Van Demons Land Tasmania. . 9 reads.

MAPS - Van Demons Land Tasmania-The Western Isles-Economy


Van Demons Land Tasmania has been around since the Western Isles begin. It is a small island a fair distance from the large 2 islands. Called The Western Isles. Many times over looked . A rocky climate that have been a basic farming community since 1700. A cold windy climate.

But over the years the population has got older work in farming has dried up. And the young children are leaving for places with a future . The leaders of Van Demons land Tasmania have tried over 100 years and failed Parliament put there funding together and put application for new leaders with a vision from another world.

His is an Australian Businessman .
Name Is David Harris and he accepted a free lot of land and Presidency of this fine country.
Now the modern transformation has begun.

While other Nations have been concentrating on war. We believe to have the structure right and a good Economy.

* We have a President elected by the people every 4 years.
The new President for the next 4 years will be David Harris.

* We would like to announce the new Capital of Van Demons Land Tasmania. It is called "HARRIS".

* Parliament will come out of HARRIS as well as Government House.
* At least 25% of parliament must be made up of women.

* We have accepted the British Royal Family as we believe it is best for our people to believe in something. But the Royal Family has no legal power over the nation. But is highly respected.

* We will have a Governor General That is elected by Parliament.

*We believe in all religions and encourage it.

* Immigration Van Demons Land, Tasmania believe in accepting all Immigrant from all nations , back grounds and there color of skin. We believe in Mass immigration to help the economy, and support the older people with pensions.

* Our Economy is made up of animals which include Sheep, Pigs, Cows or ( Cattle).

Resources which included the following:

All mines are open Pit mines ( good for the workers )

* Uranium Mining (but not nuclear ) used for selling to other countries at raw stages, Local power generation or nuclear power plants.

*Silver Mining
*Gold Mining
*Copper Mining
*Coal Mining
*Diamond Mining
*Lithium Mining ( Power Generators)
Solar power
Battery power
*Oil Wells
*Gas Pipelines

Farming food including vegetables, rice , potatoes.

Standard Application for Map Spot

Nation name: Van Demons Land Tasmania

How did you find the region/why did you choose The Western Isles:

I like the name and hit search seams like a mature group which I like.
Also MAPS and politics attracted me.

How long have you been active on NationStates:

Around a year I was in another Nation "Harris" I had around 2 billion people but wanted it to become inactive and start from scratch which I did. I don't regret it most people believe im a new player I don't tell them.

Is this nation a puppet or side project:
No I only have one nation many people in politic says to make puppets I have resisted.

List your other nations, if any:NIL

Do you plan on being active (participating in regional role-play), and what are you interest in:
Yes I wish to be active that is why im in this type of region.

Are you in the WA:

Yes I have always been in The World assembly. I see too many rigged election and only take World Assembly nations seriously.

Have you read the welcome guide "A Welcome and Introduction Dispatch for New Nations"

Yes I have read the welcome guide has a few example and basically tell you to be active.

Have you read, understood, and agree to the map rules located in the regional rules dispatch:

Yes it outline everyone has a map and you must be active.

Where exactly do you want to be on the map (describe the location in relation to other nations'

I hope this is better I cut and paste a section of the Map id like to be mine.
The far right hand side square in black Island

If that spot becomes no longer available, what is your second choice for location:

2nd choice 1st map, large left hand side on side of Magtel.


40 million.

GDPpC (Wages) $40,000 US

Income tax rate 66.4%.

Yearly Budget

35.0 trillion Chinese Yuan

Military Budget

15% of annual Budget

$5 Trillion Chinese Yuan

500K Total military.
150k active military.
350k reserves. ( Rotating ever 2 years)


1 (normal-sized) carriers.
25 Army light Transport Vessel
7 destroyers.
12 subs.
15 frigates.


300 tanks.
150 howitzers/heavy artillery.
100 Armored personnel carriers.


50 attack helicopters.
50 Transport helicopters
100 fighters.
100 bombers.

10 Anti Defence Missles

I will make a final History and Budget once you have given me a map and modified anything that don't meet requirement here by you or you team.

I have read several review and believe I have not overstepped the mark.

I have already written for factbook but this was about the real The Western Isles I was nicely adviced this is a role play map so I am aware of it. So anyway it showed everyone I can use factbook it was sent to the main board yesterday.

The Kingdom of Van Demons Land Tasmania

