by Max Barry

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by Ssejekistan. . 28 reads.

The Democats - A Voice for Every Nation

I, Ssejekistan, have served Deep Storage for many long months, bringing peace, prosperity, great polls, and more puppet nations to the region. I have done nothing but help Deep Storage in her quest to become a great puppet storage nation. Now, election time is here, and I have formed the political party the Democats.

If you want to join, TG me, post on the RMB, or like the RMB post announcing my political party.

If the Democats win, cat photos will be TGd to every nation who requests it, whether they voted for us or not.


Our views can be summed up as: a voice for every nation. Us Democats believe that every citizen of Deep Storage should have their voice be heard, from Regional Officers, to the lowliest newcomers. There should be no barriers to democracy, and every citizen deserves equal rights.

The Democats stand for:

  • One nation, one vote.

  • Polls on every election and every law.

  • Every nation that joins Deep Storage should get citizenship.

  • Fair and free elections.

  • Equal rights for every citizen of Deep Storage.

  • Letting puppets vote on polls.

  • Deep Storage's puppet regions, including Deep Storage army base and Even Deeper Storage.

  • Cat photos!

    The Democats stand against:

  • Tyrannical WA delegates.

  • Undemocratic principles.

  • Unelected representatives.

  • The enemies of Deep Storage especially those who wish to raid us.

  • Preventing puppets from joining Deep Storage based on their political views.

  • Spelling our party name wrong and by extension, spellcheck.

  • Dog hair.


    All of the members of the Democats so far:

    Ssejekistan, party founder.

    Ruritane, Head Civilian Recreations Officer.

    Serica-, captain in the Deep Storage army.

    Tien nemh.


    Oysen empire.


    Fascist voxija.





    Chinese sikkim.




  • RawReport