by Max Barry

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by The Kingdom of Van Demons Land Tasmania. . 19 reads.

MAP- Van Demons Land Tasmania- Southern Africa- Restructure- II

It has been a while since the great war of Southern Africa and with a new Country Van Demons Land , Tasmania.

It having 8 states a restructure needed to occur to keep this new African Country productive.

The first thing that occurred all finance in all 8 states would be done in the Chinese Yuan.

Gone is the minimum wage, but has been replaces with 50% of profits sharing. 50% of profits must go to the employee .
This creates an incentive the harder you work the more profit you can make and allows the employers to only give 50% of the profits making the business sustainable.


The 1st area observed was the state of Zimbabwe it does not have the current structure and some adjustment need to be made this is the reason why one of the Chinese Banks will be built and located here the second biggest. A large farming community will be developed. Also the army will be nationalised and not be in Zimbabwe with placed with a local police force.

Bank of China

A building was built to create a business area for this great venture. Most business from Zimbabwe would first to offered to the Bank of China.

Police Force

1000 police would be employed for the area.
The army if need will be sent from a central area if needed for back up.

Police Chief Executive

Well done on your promotion.


Farming is important to Zimbabwe and one of the biggest increases they will be responsible for all tobacco in Southern Africa and well a Corn an wheat production.





Food or Tobacco production can not be sold outside Van Demons Land,Tasmania unless Authorised in the Capital "Harris" which is situated just outside of Cape Town.

Madagascar Island

This island is a tourist island but need improving the outside of the island will be turned into high market hotels. wood production will occur in the middle of islands in return creating rice field coffee and tea product.

Timber Production

Timber will come from the outer area first leaving room for up market hotel then the inner for food production.

New Hotels

Many large and smaller but up marked hotel are poping up in this island.

Food production

Rice Fields

There are large rice field in the centre of the island.




Botswana is a central location to Van Demons Land Tasmania and is the state selected to run our army . one central location due to this fact Botswana will loose the police force as its army will increase to 30,000 people . Botswana is also heavily into Mining Diamonds.

National Army

Army General's

Mining Diamond's

Diamond are about 20 % of Van Demons Land ,Tasmania production.

Harris / South Africa


Harris is the new capital city and the head quarters of China Bank is located here.
All computer manufacturing and electronics.
500 Police Force and the main head quarters
Parliament house is built
The Harris Casino
Diamond and Gold mining.
The first embassy China,

China Bank ( head quarters)

Chinese embassy
The Chinese Embassy is next to China Bank.

Harris Casino

Parliament House

Computer Manufacturing

500 police in our capital but also the head quarter of the police force.

Chief of police Head Quarters

Diamond and Gold Mining

South Africa
The most well developed city is Southern Africa. great large city Good food, Great mining. Wine Vines, great business community.

Large police force
1000 Officer's

Chief of Police South Africa

Famous City Locations

Grape vine plantation


Mining South Africa is one of the big mine producers of Uranium, Gold, Gem,Coal, Copper, Chromium and producers of cotton.







Cotton Farming


King Mswati iii

The king of Swazi he has 15 wifes and 24 children he is recognised the king of all Van Demons Land.


Marijuana Medical Plantation


This is a plant that grows in the mountain you can turn it into rope, mats


Is another hilli state but has many animal and rice.


Animals , Sheep, Pigs, Cows

Nambia has natural wild life park, Vegitables farms, Gold Mining, Police, Uranium.

Wild Life Park

1000 police to assist with law and order.

Chief of Police

One of only 2 states that produces and used Uranium.

Gold Mining

Vegetables Farms

Small hobby farms all over Nambia produces most of Van Demons Land Tasmania vegetables.

This is a large state near the water full of gas and oil resourses also has cocoa, coffee , tea
A large airport and 1000 police.

Gas Pipeline

Oil wells
There are 10 oil well along the coast

Cocoa, Coffee Bean, Tea

African airport International

Large Police force

1000 police

Chief of Police

That is our full assessment what direction we want our states to go. In the interest of Van Demons Land Tasmania.
