by Max Barry

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by The Artwork-Acquisition Androids of Authoritaria-Imperia. . 25 reads.

Come to our wonderful nation!

We cannot urge you enough — come to our wonderful nation! Here, you will be safe and happy! Many nations will try to lure you in with false promises, but we do not — our nation really is delightful! Because in Authoritaria-Imperia, your safety is our number-one priority. You can rest assured that law enforcement is close by all the time, right where you need it! Crime is virtually unheard of, because of the hard-working Authoritarian-Imperian police officers that are always right behind you, protecting you! And you can trust yourself not give give in to the dangerous temptation of law-breaking, because our diligent government forces are always watching your step — watching out for you!
Is it any choice at all? No — there's no better place for you to be than right here, in the beautiful land of Authoritaria-Imperia! So come now, and we will welcome you with open arms and the security of vigilant, omnipresent law enforcement. Your safety — guaranteed!

Eva Q. Ait, Minister of Migration for the Great Empire of Authoritaria-Imperia

Nos spectamus
