by Max Barry

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by Kassimo. . 1,133 reads.

The Libertarian Socialist Compendium

Socialism entails the social ownership of the instruments of production and the self-management of work.

Libertarians value freedom over authority, favouring decentralised, non-hierarchical forms of organisation.

Libertarian Socialists desire the abolition of state power and class exploitation, through the transformation of social relations on the basis of freedom, equality, and solidarity.

Below are listed the many currents of libertarian socialism, alongside some introductory texts.



"Anarchist communism stresses egalitarianism and the abolition of social hierarchy and class distinctions that arise from unequal wealth distribution, the abolition of capitalism and money, and the collective production and distribution of wealth by means of voluntary associations. In anarchist communism, the state and property no longer exist. Each individual and group is free to contribute to production and to satisfy their needs based on their own choice. Systems of production and distribution are managed by their participants."
~ Libcom

LinkAnarchist Communism, Libcom
LinkIntroduction to Anarchist Communism, Anarchist Federation

LinkAnarchy, by Errico Malatesta
LinkAnarchism: What it Really Stands For, by Emma Goldman
LinkThe Conquest of Bread, by Peter Kropotkin
LinkEvolution and Revolution, by Elisée Reclus
LinkAnarchism: From Theory to Practice, by Daniel Guérin
LinkPost-Scarcity Anarchism, by Murray Bookchin


"The aim of the anarcho-syndicalist union is to act as an organisational force in the daily lives of the working class. We seek to organise workplace and community resistance, and to constantly link this to the need to overthrow the double yoke of capital and the state. We seek the overthrow of capitalism, and for it to be replaced by the self-managed libertarian communist society."
~ Solidarity Federation

LinkThe Principles of Revolutionary Unionism, International Workers' Association
LinkAnarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism, by Rudolf Rocker


"A Social System Based on Equal Freedom, Reciprocity, and the Sovereignty of the Individual Over Himself, His Affairs, and His Products; Realized Through Individual Initiative, Free Contract, Cooperation, Competition, and Voluntary Association for Defense Against the Invasive and for the Protection of Life, Liberty and Property of the Non-invasive."
~ Clarence Lee Swartz

LinkFrequently Asked Questions About Mutualism

LinkWhat is Property?, by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
LinkThe Solution of the Social Problem, by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
LinkThe Economics of Anarchy, by Dyer D. Lum
LinkWhat is Mutualism?, by Clarence Lee Swartz
LinkStudies in Mutualist Political Economy, by Kevin Carson

Platformism & Especifismo

"The only approach which can lead to a solution of the general organizational problem is, as we see it, the recruitment of anarchism's active militants on the basis of specific theoretical, tactical and organizational positions, which is to say on the basis of a more or less perfected, homogeneous programme."
~ Dielo Truda (Workers' Cause)

LinkOrganisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists, Dielo Truda
LinkEspecifismo, by Adam Weaver

LinkSupplement to the Organizational Platform (Questions and Answers), Dielo Truda
LinkPlatform of the Federation of Anarchist Communists of Bulgaria
LinkManifesto of Libertarian Communism, by Georges Fontenis (Federation Communiste Libertaire)
LinkThe Global Influence of Platformism Today, Northeastern Federation of Anarcho-Communists

LinkSocial Anarchism and Organisation, Federação Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro
LinkHuerta Grande, Federación Anarquista Uruguaya
LinkThe Strategy of Especifismo, Federación Anarquista Uruguaya
LinkFor a Theory of Strategy, Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira

Insurrectionary Anarchism

"The state will not merely wither away, thus anarchists must attack, for waiting is defeat; what is needed is open mutiny and the spreading of subversion among the exploited and excluded."
~ Sasha K.

LinkSome notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism, by Sasha K.
LinkInsurrectionary Anarchy: Organizing for Attack, Do or Die!

Individualist Anarchism

"The divine is God’s affair; the human cause is humanity’s. My affair is neither the divine nor the human; it is not the good, the true, the just, the free, etc., but only my own, and it is not general, but is—unique, as I am unique. For me, there is nothing greater than me!"
~ Max Stirner

LinkIndividualist-Anarchism: An Outline, by Sidney E. Parker
LinkMini-Manual of Individualist Anarchism, by Émile Armand

LinkThe Unique and Its Property, by Max Stirner
LinkAnarchist Individualism and Amorous Comradeship, by Émile Armand
LinkSelected Writings of Individualist Anarchy, by Albert Libertad
LinkToward the Creative Nothing, by Renzo Novatore

LinkEquitable Commerce, by Josiah Warren
LinkLiberty journal
LinkIndividual Liberty, by Benjamin Tucker
LinkThe Philosophy of Egoism, by James L. Walker
LinkAnarchism and American Traditions, by Voltairine de Cleyre

Post-Left Anarchy

"Reject the reification of revolt. Leftism is dead! Long live anarchy!"
~ Jason McQuinn

LinkTo Change Everything, CrimethInc.
LinkPost-Left Anarchy: Leaving the Left Behind, by Jason McQuinn


Marx's Critique of Political Economy

"Instead of the conservative motto: 'A fair day's wage for a fair day's work!' they ought to inscribe on their banner the revolutionary watchword: 'Abolition of the wages system!'"
~ Karl Marx

LinkWage Labour and Capital, by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
LinkValue, Price and Profit, by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

Council Communism

"Since the revolutionary class fight against the bourgeoisie and its organs is inseparable from the seizure of the productive apparatus by the workers and its application to production, the same organisation that unites the class for its fight also acts as the organisation of the new productive process."
~ Anton Pannekoek

LinkCouncil Communism - an introduction, Libcom
LinkCouncil Communism, by Mark Shipway

LinkWorkers' Councils, by Anton Pannekoek
LinkThe Revolution Is Not A Party Affair, by Otto Rühle
LinkThe World Revolution, by Herman Gorter
LinkAnti-Bolshevik Communism, by Paul Mattick
LinkThe Communist Left in Germany 1918-1921, by Gilles Dauvé and Denis Authier
LinkFundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution, by the Group of International Communists

The Johnson–Forest Tendency

"State-capitalism is in itself the total contradiction, absolute antagonism. In it are concentrated all the contradictions of revolution and counter-revolution. The proletariat, never so revolutionary as it is today, is over half the world in the stranglehold of Stalinism, the form of the counter-revolution in our day, the absolute opposite of the proletarian revolution."
~ CLR James and Raya Dunayevskaya

LinkIntroduction to the Johnson-Forest Tendency, by Loren Goldner

LinkState Capitalism and World Revolution, by CLR James and Raya Dunayevskaya
LinkWritings of C.L.R. James
LinkWritings of Raya Dunayevskaya
LinkWritings of Grace Lee Bogs

LinkFacing Reality, by CLR James and Grace Lee Boggs
LinkNews and Letters journal
LinkThe Working Class and Social Change, by Martin Glaberman

Socialism or Barbarism

"The whole history of the past century is there to prove that the proletariat represents, for the first time in human history, not only a class in revolt against exploitation but a class positively capable of overthrowing the exploiters and of organizing a free and humane society. Its victory, and the fate of humanity, are in its hands."
~ Cornelius Castoriadis

LinkSocialisme ou Barbarie: A French Revolutionary Group, 1949-1965, by Marcel van der Linden
LinkSocialism or Barbarism, by Socialism Reaffirmed, Socialisme Ou Barbarie, Unita Proletaria and Pouvoir Ouvrier Belge

LinkA Socialisme ou Barbarie Anthology
LinkThe Working Class and Organisation, by Cornelius Castoriadis

Link"As We See It" & "As We Don't See It", Solidarity
LinkThe Bolsheviks and Workers' Control, by Maurice Brinton
LinkParis: May 1968, by Maurice Brinton

LinkEchanges journal

The Situationist International

"People who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and what is positive in the refusal of constraints, such people have a corpse in their mouth."
~ Raoul Vaneigem

LinkAn Introduction to the Situationists, by Jan D. Matthews
LinkThe Spectacular Times, by Larry Law

LinkInternationale Situationniste journal
LinkThe Society of the Spectacle, by Guy Debord
LinkThe Revolution of Everyday Life, by Raoul Vaneigem
LinkOn the Poverty of Student Life, by the Student's Union - UNEF, Strasbourg

Autonomist Marxism

"Operaismo takes this as its fundamental axiom: the struggles of the working class precede and prefigure the successive re-structurations of capital."
~ Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri

LinkWorkerism and Politics, by Mario Tronti

Communisation Theory

"Whereas communism had previously been seen as something that needed to be created after the revolution, the revolution was now seen as nothing other than the production of communism (abolishing wage labour and the state)."
~ Endnotes

LinkBring Out Your Dead, Endnotes
LinkCommunisation, Troploin


Communalism & Social Ecology

"It is my contention that Communalism is the overarching political category most suitable to encompass the fully thought out and systematic views of social ecology, including libertarian municipalism and dialectical naturalism. As an ideology, Communalism draws on the best of the older Left ideologies – Marxism and anarchism, more properly the libertarian socialist tradition – while offering a wider and more relevant scope for our time."
~ Murray Bookchin

LinkCommunalism: a liberatory alternative, by Marcus Amargi & Stephanie Amargi
LinkWhat is Social Ecology?, by Murray Bookchin

Democratic Confederalism

"In contrast to a centralist and bureaucratic understanding of administration and exercise of power confederalism poses a type of political self-administration where all groups of the society and all cultural identities can express themselves in local meetings, general conventions and councils. Politics becomes a part of everyday life."
~ Abdullah Öcalan

LinkDemocratic Confederalism, by Abdullah Öcalan


"In the world we want, everyone fits. We want a world in which many worlds fit."
~ Subcomandante Marcos

LinkSixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona, EZLN


