by Max Barry

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by The Regional Nation of The Northern Light. . 99 reads.

Vote For SC resolution Condemn United World Order

Security Council Vote Recommendation

Part of the Information for WA Voters program

Resolution at Vote: Condemn United World Order
Vote Recommendation: For

Resolution Analysis
This is a Roleplay condemnation, and since they aren't that common, some explanation: A condemnation of this nature is designed to acknowledge both the outstanding roleplay of the nominee, as well as their contributions to the community while out of character. The form the nomination takes, either condemnation or commendation, will often be determined by the role. In the case of United World Order, the role is one of an insidious and villainous nation (in character) guilty of numerous atrocities and crimes against humanity. This condemnation is an extension of that roleplay, and an acknowledgement from their peers of outstanding dedication and commitment to their character. Out of character, UWO is an accomplished RPer with a history of high-quality roleplay for over 5 years. Respected in the community, UWO has always been approachable and willing to help new RPers with advice and feedback, and, has been an upstanding member of our allies Greater Dienstad for some time.

For this reason, The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For this proposal.

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